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Stakeholders to discuss air transport survival in challenging times

Guardian Nigeria 2 days ago

Stakeholders in Nigeria’s aviation industry will next month chart path to a survival strategy for the local industry in the face of challenging realities of today.

The stakeholders will meet at the 28th edition of the Annual Conference of the League of Airport and Aviation Correspondents (LAAC), in Lagos, on the theme: ‘Aviation survivability amidst a challenging macro-economic environment.’

The theme, according to organisers, was informed by the challenging state of the country’s economy, which has amplified the already existing constraints to growth and development of Nigeria’s aviation industry.

Among the troubling constraints are: operators’ poor access to forex, currency devaluation, high fuel costs, maintenance costs, poor airports infrastructure, regulatory constraints, growing manpower demands, technology upgrade, and passenger comfort – all of which require urgent attention of industry stakeholders.

The conference presents an opportunity for organisations to highlight its activities as it is expected to attract over 200 aviation industry professionals across the agencies, security agencies, international and domestic airlines operating in Nigeria, aviation support services, including travel service providers and tour operators.

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