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People Reveal What Happened After They Answered Their Ex's Last Call Or Text

comicsands.com 2 days ago

Reddit user TheRealOvenCake asked: 'What happened after you answered an ex's call/text?'

When it comes to affairs of the heart, when it's over, it's really over.


Whether it's a late night inebriated text or call to an ex or being on the receiving end of the same, it's hard to let go sometimes.

Reddit user TheRealOvenCake asked:

"What happened after you answered an ex's call/text?"

No, Thank You

"She reaches out every once in awhile, when she's lonely/sad/wants the attention. She's now married with 2 young ones and I got a message out of the blue—to be fair, first message from her in like 2 years—apologizing for how she treated me and cheating on me."

"Against my better judgement, I replied to this one, and within 10 minutes of us making light chit-chat about our (own) kids, she tells me to think of her if I ever happen to be single again, she'll be waiting."

"Thanks, but no thanks."

~ conwillar

Finally Understood

"It was years after we broke up, she married, moved away, had kids, and her husband cheated and left her, just like she did to me. She got my number from a mutual friend and I had no idea it was her calling."

"She apologized, cried a lot, told me she finally understood what being cheated on felt like, and wanted to make amends. I could tell she was in a really bad place and I just listened."

"She wasn't trying to get back together, or hook up, or want anything at all from me other than for me to know she understands the pain she caused."

"She moved back to my town a couple years later and while we're not friends, we run into each other around town and smile and say 'Hi'."

~ Evidence-Timeline

Falling Back In Love Bed

"We had sex and then got into an argument in the middle of it."

"It's really hard to storm out when you are trying to put your clothes back on."

~ HighlyOffensive10

Apology = Closure

"Went surprisingly well. I got an apology and some closure."

"Nevertheless, I'll be happy if I never hear from her again."

"I'm of the opinion that the past should remain in the past where it belongs."

~ JBPunt420

No Strings Attached

"My ex and I split up, and a few weeks later, she called me asking to help her move a dresser into her apartment. She didn't have a car and paid me 50 dollars for gas since I had a truck."

"I said yeah, no problem. Picked her up, went to Target to pick it up, and dropped it off at her place."

"I noticed that when I picked her up, she was wearing a crop top with no bra, something she never usually did. We moved the dresser inside and she immediately was like, 'Take off your pants'."

"It was weird. When we were together, we hardly had sex. Maybe 1x every 3 months."

"That day, we had sex 4x in 2 hours. Then I left like nothing happened."

~ NearbyCamp9903

Permanent Bond

"She asked when I was coming back to our hometown to visit. We wound up getting a meal and then having sex."

"30 years later and we've been married for 20 and have 2 kids."

"The break up had been amicable and there was no cheating on either side. We were just young and her mother didn't think we should be in such a serious relationship at our young age."

~ Avium

Not Me

"I asked him if his gf knew he was texting his exes. Haven't heard from him in over a year."

"It was weird because when I ran into them as a couple, she was friendly, and he completely ignored me. Then he'd text afterward. If I ran into her alone, she would completely ignore me.

"These are people who are in their 50s! Toxic."

~ Street_Pause4233

For The Kids

"She asked me if I was getting married. I told her that I was and that I was happily doing so."

"That was about 3 months ago, and neither I nor the kids have heard a word from her. Cool for me, sh*tty for the kids."

"She gave me full custody and just gradually stopped coming around. She started coming back into their lives about 9 months ago."

"I have made every attempt to include her and haven't blocked anything. Her father has seen the kids more than she has at this point."

~ gimme3strokes

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

"We’re now married."

"Turns out that spending close to a decade with no contact following our break up actually made us realize how much we loved each other."

"We needed time building our own lives first, before we were ready to build one together."

~ SaltyCircumnavigator

Father Knows Best

"I left her for another girl 25 years ago. My dad told me I was making a huge mistake, that she was a good girl/woman. The girl I left her for had previously dumped me.

"She moved on, got married, I had a couple of relationships. Eventually I realized what an idiot I was and that my dad was right all those years ago, which was of course WAY too late."

"Towards the end of 2022 I randomly heard through a friend's wife that works with a member of her family, she was back in town for two years already. Her husband cheated, lied and left her for his best friend's wife."

"I immediately sent her a message, we went for dinner, been together for almost two years now. I am happier than I've ever been.

"My dad passed away many years ago, he would've said 'told you so'."

~ Kraaiftn

Dinner And A Marriage

"We got married."

"I mean, not immediately after. The most immediate outcome was making plans to have dinner when he was in town."

"Several months down the road, after intermittent contact, we started dating again."

"Then became a couple again."

"THEN we got married."

~ zazzlekdazzle

Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime?

"They made small talk for a little bit and then asked for money."

~ tastygrowth


"They went back to their hometown to help with a family emergency. Being the 90's and us only being 18/20, long distance didn't work very easy."

"Both of us moved on, got married, had kids."

"20 some years later, my spouse was dying from cancer and they were divorcing theirs for cheating when they ran across a YouTube video of a tax seminar I was giving on the ACA."

"We helped each other get through those issues as friends, then decided we never got a real chance back in high school."

"Gave it another try, and now been married for 8 years next month."

~ BackInTheRealWorld


"We dated again for a year."

"It was long distance and we had plans for her to come move in with me after we finished college and all was great... until she pulled the rug out from under me for the same issues that caused the initial break up."

"Now I've been fooled twice and hopefully learned my lesson."

~ Sky1786


"Happened years after we had a very nasty mutual breakup followed by no contact."

"She wanted to know what my mailing address was, because she had found something she had of mine while moving that she remembered was of great sentimental value to me, and wanted to make sure it made it back to me."

"I was appreciative, but not surprised."

"We were very much not a good match, but she's a good person. I would have done the same if I found something important to her, and I'm sure she knows that about me."

"We're not friends or anything, and we probably won't speak again. But it takes nothing to be kind and decent to one another, particularly someone you once loved."

"Or even still love, even if you don't want them in your life anymore."

" Funny how love works, isn't it?"

~ Doomkauf

Have you ever reconnected with an ex?

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