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Exclusive Interview With Nikitta

spinexmusic.com 2 days ago
Smiling picture of Singer Nikitta smiling

Nikitta, a talented singer/songwriter from Glasgow, has been making waves in the music industry with her unique sound and compelling lyrics. Having started her musical journey at the tender age of 12, Nikitta’s dedication and passion for music have only grown over the years. She first gained significant recognition at 16 when she supported Ms. Dynamite, and by 17, she was captivating millions with her performances on The X Factor, both on TV and on tour. Her journey is a testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to her craft.

In our recent interview, Nikitta opened up about her latest single, “Dance in the Night,” a track that has been resonating with audiences for its uplifting and joyful vibe. She shared the inspiration behind the song, describing a serene moment in her garden that transported her to a place of warmth and happiness, evoking images of campfires, warm sand, and starlit skies. This vivid imagery and the positive emotions it stirred in her were the catalysts for the song’s creation, making it a perfect anthem for times when people need a boost of joy and positivity.

Nikitta also reflected on her career choice, explaining that music has always been her true calling. Despite working various other jobs, nothing else fulfilled her soul or brought her the same level of happiness as writing and performing music. She emphasized the importance of patience, a skill she had to learn given her naturally fast-paced approach to life and work. This patience has been crucial in navigating the often slow-moving music industry.

Her early influences, particularly the iconic Celine Dion, played a significant role in shaping her aspirations. Nikitta recalled how watching Dion perform on TV inspired her to pursue a career in music. With the unwavering support of her mother, who arranged singing lessons and her first gigs, Nikitta’s path to becoming a singer was set from a young age.

Looking ahead, Nikitta expressed her openness to collaborating with other talented artists and shared her excitement about her unreleased music. While current lockdown restrictions have paused live performances, she remains connected with her audience through online live sessions, eagerly anticipating the day she can share her new work.

In our candid conversation, Nikitta also touched on the challenges of being a musician, from dealing with online trolling to managing personal fears, like her anxiety about driving on motorways. Despite these hurdles, her love for music and the connection she feels with her supporters keep her motivated. She prefers to refer to her fans as supporters, expressing deep gratitude for their unwavering encouragement and the joy they bring to her life.

Be sure to check out Nikitta’s latest single “Dance in the Night” by clicking here.

Can you briefly introduce yourself?

My name Is Nikitta, I am a singer / songwriter.

”Dance in the night” is a very interesting song. What motivated you to write this song?

I was sitting in my garden and i heard the basics of the production at the time and the way i felt when i heard it it took me to another place! I kept thinking of Camp fires, Warm sand and Stars above me and it made me so happy and the lyrics just came to me. I think our release date has came at the right time when people need to hear something happy & uplifting.

What made you decide to pursue a career in music?

Music has always felt right! I have worked many other jobs in the past and they just didnt fulfill my soul or make me happy, When i Write or Perform i feel on top of the world even if its a sad song the fact i can express myself it just takes me to another place.

What skills have you learnt that have helped you in your musical career?

Patience! Haha I had none not everyone works at my 100 mile an hour speed – i like things done there and then but it doesnt work like that in the music industry or even in everyday life so that to me is a skill iv learnt.

Tell me a little bit about how you first got into making and performing music?

When i was younger i always listened to Celine Dion and watched her on TV thinking WOW i want to be like her. Then i told my mum i wanted to be a ”Singer” and she always pushed me and got me singing lessons and helped me get my first ever gig aged 12 – I wrote my first ever song aged 12 too. From there i knew this was the wrold im meant to be in.

Do you have any artiste you look forward to working with in the future?

I dont have any artist’s at the moment but i’m always open to working with talent.

Do you have any upcoming show or unreleased musical project that you may wish to discuss?

At the moment no planned shows are in place due to lock down but hopefully soon, i always try to do little lives now and then and have a little sing -song with people. I have lots of unreleased music i am beyond excited to let people hear it soon.

What do you hate most about being a musician and what do you enjoy most?

I dont like the trolling side of it when people think its ok to be nasty because they are behind a Phone or a Computer or think they have the right to say what they want. When musicians release music they are are opening their heart to people and it can be a vulnerable place. What i do love about being a musician is being creative, having no barriers & being able to stay in contact with the people who support my music.

What’s the biggest problem you’ve had to overcome so far?

Hmm I have a major problem with Driving on the motorway! I have no control of the overwhelming panic i feel when on there i freak out!… This is something i really want to sort out then it will become a problem i’v overcome.

Do you have any message you would love to pass across to your fans?

I dont like the word Fans lol i like to say Supporters.. But i would love to say Thank you! Even when i took time out from music you all still popped in to say hello and ask when im making new music because you guys couldnt wait – Sharing videos to me that iv done telling me how they made you all feel. I live for moments like that, if my music can touch even just one person i have done something good and this makes me happy. I actually love you all and i see each and every one of you. x

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Exclusive Interview With Nikitta
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