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New Apple’s Message via Satellite

swordpress.com.ng 4 days ago

Apple has introduced a new feature called “Message via Satellite,” which is designed to work similarly to iMessage, allowing users to send and receive messages even in areas without cellular or Wi-Fi coverage. Here’s a detailed look at how it works and what it offers:

How it Works:

  • Satellite Connectivity: Instead of relying on traditional cell towers or Wi-Fi networks, Message via Satellite uses low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites to transmit messages. This ensures coverage even in remote areas where other forms of connectivity might be unavailable.
  • iMessage Integration: The feature is integrated into the iMessage app, making it seamless for users to switch between standard and satellite messaging without needing a separate app or service.
  • User Experience: The interface and user experience remain consistent with iMessage, ensuring that users can easily send texts, share locations, and potentially even send small images via satellite.

Cost and Availability:

  • Free to Start: Apple has announced that the satellite messaging service will be free initially. This allows users to experience the service without any additional costs.
  • Future Pricing: While the service is free at launch, Apple may introduce a subscription model or usage-based pricing in the future to cover the costs associated with satellite connectivity.


  • Emergency Use: One of the primary applications of satellite messaging is for emergency situations, allowing users to reach out for help when stranded or in distress in areas without cellular coverage.
  • Regular Messaging: Beyond emergencies, users can send regular messages, making it a useful feature for hikers, travelers, and people living in rural areas.
  • Location Sharing: The ability to share locations via satellite can be crucial for safety and coordination during outdoor activities or adventures.

Technical Aspects:

  • Low Bandwidth: Due to the nature of satellite communication, the service is expected to have lower bandwidth compared to traditional cellular networks. This means that while text messaging and small data exchanges will work well, larger data transfers might be limited.
  • Battery Usage: Satellite communication can be more power-intensive, so users might notice increased battery consumption when using this feature extensively.

Future Implications:

  • Expanding Coverage: As satellite technology and networks improve, the coverage and reliability of Message via Satellite are expected to enhance, potentially providing global connectivity.
  • Competitors: Other tech companies might follow suit, leading to increased competition and innovation in the field of satellite communication for consumer devices.

In summary, Apple’s Message via Satellite is an innovative feature that extends iMessage capabilities to areas without cellular or Wi-Fi coverage, offering a crucial lifeline in emergencies and enhanced connectivity for outdoor enthusiasts. Initially free, it provides a seamless user experience, although future pricing and technical limitations are considerations to keep in mind.

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