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Top 10 countries with most embassies

india.com 2 days ago

China - 173

China has expanded its diplomatic footprint globally and solidified its position as a major world power.

United States Of America - 168

The United States maintains a vast network of embassies and diplomatic missions worldwide.

France - 158

France has an extensive diplomatic presence, particularly in Africa and the Middle East and has continued engagement in global affairs.

United Kingdom - 156

The UK's impressive diplomatic footprint shows its commitment to international cooperation.

Japan - 152

Japan's substantial embassy network, particularly in Asia, shows its strategic focus on regional cooperation, trade, and economic diplomacy.

Germany - 148

Germany's wide diplomatic presence serves mainly in Europe and America.

Turkey - 145

Turkey's diplomatic presence is from the Middle East to Europe and Africa, showcasing its growing influence globally.

Russia - 143

Russia's diplomatic footprint is concentrated in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East.

Brazil - 135

Brazil's diplomatic presence is primarily in Latin America and Africa.

India - 135

India's expanding diplomatic network shows its rising global position, economic ambitions, and strategic outreach efforts.


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