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MUSWEN Condemns Alleged Plot to Depose Sultan, Urges Sokoto Govt to Resolve Issues Amicably

insideoyo.com 2 days ago
MUSWEN Condemns Alleged Plot to Depose Sultan, Urges Sokoto Govt to Resolve Issues Amicably

The Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN) has condemned the alleged plan to remove Sultan Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar as Sultan of Sokoto.

In a press statement signed by MUSWEN President, Alhaji Rasaki Oladejo, on Monday, MUSWEN described the Sultan as a unifying leader who has built bridges across different cultural and religious backgrounds.

According to the statement, Sultan Abubakar has been a bridge-builder, uniting Nigerian Muslims and establishing rapport with Christian leaders, resulting in a significant reduction in inter-religious conflicts.

MUSWEN urged the Sokoto State Government to resolve any differences with the Sultan’s office amicably, rather than resorting to deposition. The group reiterated their support for the Sultan, describing him as a champion of peaceful coexistence.

MUSWEN emphasized that Yoruba Muslims stand solidly behind Sultan Abubakar, describing him as a revered national leader.

The statement read in full: “The Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN), the official umbrella body for all Muslims in the South West of Nigeria, condemns the alleged plot to depose as Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni, the President-General of Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and the National Leader of all Muslims in Nigeria.

“We believe that the information making the rounds in that regard is in the realm of rumour-mongering.

“For the records, be it known that, we Yoruba Muslims hold Sultan Abubakar in the highest esteem. He has been a bridge-builder, successfully unifying the 120 million Nigerian Muslims from different cultural backgrounds

“Beyond unifying Muslims in Nigeria, Sultan Abubakar also enjoys the friendship and respect of Christians, establishing unprecedented rapport with the leadership of Christian Association of Nigeria.

“Since his ascension to the throne as Sultan of Sokoto and President-General of Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, the nation has recorded over 90% reduction in inter-religious conflicts.

“For these reasons and others, Sultan Abubakar has earned the love of all as a proponent and actualizer of harmonious and peaceful coexistence among Nigerians of all tribes and faiths.

“If there are differences between Sokoto State Government and the office of The Sultan, such differences should be amicably resolved.

“We still believe the alleged plot is a mere rumour. If it is true however, we hereby express unequivocally our unflinching reverence and absolute support for our leader, The President-General of Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs,

“Yoruba Muslims absolutely queue and stand solidly behind our revered leader, His Eminence, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni, Sultan of Sokoto and President-General Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs.”

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