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World Economic Growth To Revive Later This Year – G-20 Chiefs

Independent 4 days ago

LAGOS – The global economy is like­ly to pull out of a brief growth slump later this year — with a little help from the world’s central banks and from US and Chinese trade negotiators.

IMF cut its forecast for global growth from 3.6% last year to 3.3% in 2019

Global finance leaders gath­ered from the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank agree that the global economy has lost momen­tum this year.

But, they expect growth to pick up in the second half of 2019, as central bankers ease up on inter­est rates.

Still, a trade standoff between the United States and China threat­ens to dim the economic outlook.

“We must be mindful of an esca­lation of trade tensions,” Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso told re­porters Friday.

Japan holds the chairmanship of the Group of 20 major econo­mies.

The G-20 on Friday said that world economic growth sputtered late last year and early this year because of heightened trade ten­sions, turbulent financial markets and rising interest rates.

The IMF cut its forecast for glob­al growth from 3.6% last year to 3.3% in 2019, the slowest since the recession year 2009, but it predicts growth will return to 3.6% in 2020.

Haruhiko Kuroda, head of the Bank of Japan, told reporters on Friday that the G-20 officials saw the IMF’s revised forecast as “high­ly likely” but said all the countries would need to do their part to boost growth.

Forecasters are worried about the US-China trade conflict. The world’s two biggest economies have slapped tariffs on $350 billion worth of each other’s goods.

They are battling over U.S. alle­gations that China deploys preda­tory tactics — including cybertheft and forcing foreign firms to hand over trade secrets — in a sharp-el­bowed effort to challenge Ameri­can technological dominance.

Financial markets have ral­lied this year on hopes that the two countries will reach a set­tlement.

Changyong Rhee, director of the International Monetary Fund’s Asia and Pacific Department, said at a briefing Friday that markets could falter if negotiators can’t reach a deal after all.

Even a US-China trade deal could create new problems, Rhee said.

If the Chinese agree to take in more imports from the United States, as widely expected, those purchases could come at the ex­pense other countries that have been doing business with Chi­na. Rhee also expressed concern that China would give American companies “preferential access,” undercutting other countries and leading to “broader worries” about the future of free trade.

Rhee also said a US-China trade peace could prove “short-lived” if the two countries can’t reach a long-term deal that requires Bei­jing to improve protection of intel­lectual-property and make other economic reforms.

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