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Federal Roads: Hold Emergency Meeting With S’West Govs – Ex-NOA Boss Tells Monarchs

Independent 2 days ago
Hon Oguntoyinbo

Former Director, National Orientation Agency (NOA) Ekiti State, Honourable Tale Oguntoyinbo, has called on some traditional rulers in Yoruba land to, as a matter of urgency, hold an emergency meeting with the governors of the South-West on the deplorable conditions of the roads in the region.

Oguntoyinbo, a former Chairman Oye Local Government also charged the federal lawmakers from the   southwest to be alive to their responsibilities by making meaningful impact on the lives of the people. 

Speaking with journalists in Oye-Ekiti, Oguntoyinbo particularly expressed concern on the scandalous condition of the Federal Roads.

The Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) also suggested that the governors can explore the possibility of fixing the roads and ask for refund from the federal government, adding that “our people, and your people are using the road every day”.

According to him, from Ado Ekiti to Ilesha, Ife, down to Ibadan has been a death trap for the commuters plying the roads. 

He charged the legislators to call the attention of the authorities concern without further delay. 

“I think southwest members in the National assembly both needed to explain to the people why the federal roads  linking Ekiti, Ilesha, Ife to Ibadan had been abandoned. 

Oguntoyinbo said that if President Bola Ahamed Tinubu and National Assembly members are busy on constructing Lagos-Calabar coastal roads for the economic benefits of the coastal travellers what about  rural communities, public drivers and travellers plying land roads.

He observed that it was unfortunate that “the people we voted to serve us are always travelling by air which did not allow them to experience the suffering and the hardship facing by motorists on these roads. 

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