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Expert's tip to keep pigeons out of your garden using junk we all have plenty of

nottinghampost.com 2 days ago

Pigeons are easily scared away and there are a number of ways to stop them from coming into your garden, including using old junk items that you likely already have in your home

Picture of pigeons eating in a garden
An old CD is a useful item if you want to scare off the pigeons in your garden

Pigeons, known for lingering in gardens in search of seeds or scraps, can be deterred using simple household items, according to Sally from Diamond Pest Control. She explains that pigeons are spooked by shiny objects because they reflect sunlight, causing startling flashes.

She advised: "These birds are easily scared away by reflective materials. These materials reflect the sun, which gets in the birds' eyes and makes them fly away."

Sally suggests utilising everyday items such as pie tins, mirrors, old CDs, or glass shards. Strategically placing or hanging these around your garden should effectively keep the birds at bay.

The combination of light reflections and the noise created by these objects when it's windy adds to their effectiveness, as pigeons are wary of unfamiliar sounds and movements. For those with spare CDs or DVDs, Sally recommends augmenting your anti-pigeon arsenal with specially designed shiny ribbons, which serve a similar purpose when tied around the garden, reports the Express.

Additionally, she mentions that installing statues of owls can help, as pigeons tend to steer clear of areas where they suspect predators like owls might be nesting. Sally noted: "Something else that is supposed to work well is animal statues, especially owls. You see, owls are predator birds."

The immobility of an owl statue can deter pigeons, as they may interpret the lack of movement as a sign of vigilance or readiness to attack. There are also moving statues available for purchase.

Sally explained: "If pigeons think an owl Is on your roof or in your garden, they will quickly leave. In fact, you can actually buy owl statues online."

"Some of these statues are powered by solar panels, which allow their heads to move. Others even have flashing LED eyes which also add to the effect when scaring pigeons."

These are just some methods to deter these bothersome birds, but it's important to remember that while pigeons are easily scared, they're also smart and can realise that certain deterrents are harmless over time. The most effective way to prevent pigeons from eating your plants is to experiment with different techniques and find out what works best in your garden.

Other methods to deter pigeons include planting white flowers around your garden or using natural remedies such as peppermint oil and citronella. While pigeons can be a nuisance, it's crucial to always treat them humanely as they are part of the local ecosystem.

Under the UK's Wildlife and Countryside Act, it's illegal to harm, kill or disturb bird nests, which is why non-lethal and natural methods are the best way to keep pigeons away from your garden.

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