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TUI passengers' horror at 'engine bang' when plane lifts off after 'malfunction'

Mirror Online 1 day ago

Holidaymaker Samantha Johnson, 35, has told how passengers on her TUI flight from Dalaman in Turkey to Manchester Airport endured a 40-hour delay after their plane suffered "multiple malfunctions"

The moment take-off was aborted
The moment take-off was aborted

A passenger on a TUI flight has told of terror onboard as the plane's nose lifted during take-off followed by a "bang" from the engine and the "brakes were applied".

Travellers from Dalaman in Turkey to Manchester Airport endured a 40-hour delay claiming there were "multiple malfunctions" with the original plane on June 8.

Holidaymaker Samantha Johnson, 35, was forced to stay overnight twice in hotels with her husband and four children aged 15, 11, seven and three and said a message sent to her later by TUI, confirmed a "rejected take-off" along with a "technical issue".

The plane had taxied out to the runway at Dalaman Airport before the captain announced a "malfunction light" had activated in the cockpit. Samantha, from Rossendale, Lancashire, said: "They said they were going to switch the plane on and off to see if that would switch the light off. Then they said they were going to isolate a valve. Everyone was very apprehensive."

She claims they were kept on the plane with no food and water in baking heat for around four hours before engineers gave the plane the all-clear. "We were using the safety briefing cards in the front of our seats to fan us it was so hot," Samantha, who is an amputee, said.

"A couple of passengers asked to leave and get another flight with an alternative carrier. They were told they could, but would have to leave all their bags in the hold." The flight then attempted to take-off, but was pulled up by the captain. Samantha, who revealed a woman had a panic attack on board, said: "It was terrifying and absolutely horrendous. Words cannot describe how bad this has all been. We reached full speed. You could feel the nose of the plane had lifted then the engine went bang and the brakes were applied. It was absolutely terrifying.

Samantha and her husband Simon
Samantha and her husband Simon

"That plane should never have been allowed to leave. We should have been taken off it. If we had gone up any further in the plane... it does not bear thinking about really." All that came after the original flight was cancelled as Samantha and the other passengers due to travel were about to board in the early hours Turkish time. TUI said the 'operating crew ran out of their legally permitted working hours'. It's understood there were 189 passengers on board in total.

The TUI flight TOM213 from Dalaman to Manchester was scheduled to fly from Turkey at 1.40am local time on June 9 and there was a delay of 40 hours and 10 minutes before passengers finally left. TUI's message to Samantha, reported the Manchester Evening News, read: "Initially the operating crew ran out of their legally permitted working hours, which resulted in your flight being delayed overnight. However, the aircraft encountered a rejected take-off on departure. This resulted in the aircraft encountering a technical issue and your flight being delayed overnight for a second night.

The flight involved
The flight involved

"Your flight operated at the earliest opportunity the following day." A second message sent to her by TUI reads: "This is not the end to your holiday we would have hoped for you." Samantha was holidaying in the Turkish resort of Marmaris with her family, her sister and partner and their two children. Together they were a party of 10.

Angry passengers have now formed a Facebook group, with criticism of their treatment by TUI staff and alleging they were "neglected" as they waited on the ground for news. "We have already started the complaints process," said Samantha. "There were 189 passengers on that flight and people were terrified. From what we can gather TUI in the UK were not aware of how we were being treated by TUI in Turkey. They were not speaking to each other. TUI over here has said they want us as witnesses to investigate properly.

"We were left on that aircraft for touching four hours with no food or drink in 35C heat while they fixed this fault. We had to beg for water. It was just ridiculous." Samantha claims they found out it had been cancelled as passengers queued in a narrow tunnel to board, with the message being relayed backwards passenger-to-passenger.

"We asked what was going on, but were threatened with the police," she added. "We were sent back into the terminal, where we were told nothing. We had no fluids or food and the kids were shattered." After three hours in the terminal, hotel accommodation was arranged, she said, from where they were picked back up for Dalaman Airport at around 2pm Turkish time the following afternoon.

The second flight was due to leave at 5.55pm Turkish time, but was then delayed by the fault. An announcement was made in which the captain says a "malfunction light" comes on. He goes on to say that "due to our training" an "emergency stop" is the "safest course of action". He added: "It does seem quite dramatic but...I know it's upsetting and, I really do apologise for the inconvenience."

That was then followed by the aborted take-off after the four-hour wait. "It was terrifying and horrific," said Samantha, who has vowed never to return to Turkey. "We were sat on the runway as fire engines surrounded the plane. One lady had a severe panic attack. It was chaos and carnage. It was awful and not once did they send on any medical attention. We taxied back to the airport and it was near midnight.

"They told us that they were going to fix that plane - again - and put us back on it, but passengers refused. The people at the airport were up in arms about our refusal." Another overnight stay in a hotel followed before all passengers were flown home the following day. "We were told that they had sent a brand new plane from Birmingham," added Samantha. "That flight was thankfully okay.

"We have lost days of work and my children have lost two days of school. There are also financial implications. They way we were treated in Dalaman Airport was absolutely disgusting. We were treated like dogs. The communication between the airline and passengers was appalling. That plane should not have been allowed to try to leave."

A TUI spokesperson told The Mirror: "We are sorry to hear of the experiences from customers on following the delayed departure of flight TOM213 from Dalaman to Manchester. Whilst we always aim to get our customers to and from their holiday as safely and smoothly as possible, unfortunately on this occasion a technical issue delayed departure of the flight. All customers will automatically receive flight delay compensation and we will be taking the learnings from this incident to improve communication with our customers moving forward."

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