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“Fire People” Khalwale Urges Ruto To Abolish Offices, Restructure Security Organs

sonkonews.com 2 days ago

In the backdrop of the ongoing anti-government protests that have slowly turned from peaceful to violent, the Senate reconvened this Wednesday to discuss the state of the nation.

While making his contributions, Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale shared a list of the things that President William Ruto should consider to make the situation better.

One of the things that Khalwale suggested is for the head of state to disband his cabinet and reconstitute it afresh.

Also, the senator told the president to do away with offices that are not in the constitution.

“Including CAS, prime cabinet secretary they are not in the constitution of Kenya. Including offices of first lady including advisors. If advisors are useful then what David Ndii is doing is not advise is misadvise.

“Mr. Speaker, the president should restructure the security organs by firing people the IG included,” he said.

At the same time, Khalwale took a swipe at the Members of Parliament, accusing them of using the unconstitutional CDF to get themselves high end vehicles.

“The fuel guzzlers that we drive….In the parking of the senate you see Prados but in the parking of the National Assembly you see high-end vehicles and why Mr Speaker? Because of an unconstitutional fund called CDF,” he said.

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