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Police Arraign 2 For Defaming, Cyberstalking Lagos Monarch

Leadership 2024/6/15
Premier League

The police in Lagos have arraigned two men, Adesola James and Odunmosu Awiye, before the Federal High Court for alleged cyberstalking, illegal publication and defamation of a monarch, the Elegushi of Ikate Kingdom, Oba Saheed Elegushi.

The police accused the defendants of illegally and unlawfully publishing by audible sounds and exhibiting through their respective Tik Tok platforms, contents said to be false, grossly offensive and prejudicial to Oba Elegushi and the people of Ikate Kingdom within the Eti-Osa Local Government Area.

The police also alleged that the defendants, who allegedly committed the offences between December 2023 and March 2024 in Lagos, circulated the publication on several other social media platforms.

The police prosecutor, Nosa Uhumwango, maintained that the offences are contrary and punishable under Section 24(1)(b)(2)(a)(i) of the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention) Act, 2015 and other extant laws.

The defendants, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Based on their plea, Uhumwango urged the court to fix a trial date and to remand the defendants at a correctional facility.

But, the defence counsel, Patrick Goungo informed the court about the defendants’ bail applications. They sought to move their motions under section 36(5) of the Nigerian constitution (as amended).

The lawyer urged the court to grant the accused bail pending the hearing and determination of the charges, In the most liberal terms.

Goungo also asked the court to remand his clients in the custody of the police command headquarters in Lagos as he is undergoing treatment at the police hospital. But Justice Awogboro turned down the request and ordered that the treatment be transferred to the correctional centre.

The prosecution didn’t oppose the bail applications and left it to the court’s discretion, saying they wanted the trial to begin in earnest.

In her ruling, the judge held that it found merit in the bail applications and, therefore, granted the defendants bail for five million naira each in like.

The court also ordered the defendants to provide two sureties each in like sum, who must be blood relations and have substantial and verifiable means of livelihood, living within Lagos state, and with evidence of tax payment.

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