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Embrace dialogue for peace, unity, COAS appeals to agitators

tribuneonlineng.com 2 days ago

the interest of a united Nigeria.

The appeal was made by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt General Taoreed Lagbaja, while addressing journalists shortly after speaking to Nigerian Army troops at the Headquarters of the Nigeria Army Armoured Corps (NAAC) in Bauchi on Wednesday.

General Lagbaja stated, “My appeal to Nigerians who have taken up arms against the state is for them to understand that only in an atmosphere of peace can the economy thrive and progress be made.”

He emphasized, “All their aspirations from the government and the state can be achieved, but it must be in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.”

The COAS stressed further, “Therefore, I appeal to them to disarm and pursue dialogue and other peaceful means to address their grievances.”

Regarding the troops, he said, “To my troops, I charge them to continue their dedicated and disciplined service to the tasks assigned to the Army under the Constitution.”

“They must persevere despite the challenges they face in all theatres, and continue until we achieve our mission for the nation.”

“It is always my duty to engage with officers and soldiers. My visit to Bauchi included interactions with troops to perform various functions, which I have just completed. This interaction occurs in all formations and units across the country.”

“The troops form the core of our fighting force and are fundamental to our operations as the Army. Therefore, their concerns are crucial, and I value their feedback to address their challenges.”

“All issues raised, including allowances, promotions, and other matters during the parade, are noted by staff for resolution, especially those related to payments and allowances.”

“That’s why I encourage direct communication with me regarding these issues, as their resolution is of utmost importance, and I assure the troops that they will be addressed.”

This version clarifies the message while improving readability and grammar.

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