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Awkward Joe Biden Moments That Were Seen By Millions

thelist.com 2024/7/7

Patrick Van Katwijk/Getty Images

Joe Biden has made the stunning transformation from humble senator to the oldest president in U.S. history. But his tenure has hardly been free from gaffes. In fact, it seems that Biden can't get through a presidential engagement without sparking a viral, cringe-inducing moment.

Of course, Biden isn't the only president who's embarrassed themselves in public. There's no denying that his predecessor, Donald Trump, is the king of awkward caught-on-camera moments; one would be forgiven for concluding that the ex-POTUS almost revels in such moments.

Biden, who was given the nickname "Sleepy Joe" by Trump and his supporters, tends to take his awkward moments in stride. "I am a gaffe machine, but my God what a wonderful thing compared to a guy who can't tell the truth," he said in reference to Trump, during a talk at the University of Montana, as CNN reported. "I'm ready to litigate all those things, the question is what kind of nation are we becoming?"

Let's take a look back at some of Biden's biggest on-camera gaffes.

Joe Biden told a paralyzed senator to stand up

It appears that Joe Biden's history of embarrassing faux pas predates his inauguration as president. Back in 2008, Biden, who was then the vice presidential nominee to Barack Obama, was speaking at a rally in Columbia, Missouri. He decided to pay a wholesome tribute to Chuck Graham, a member of the Missouri senate, but this backfired in toe-curling fashion. "Chuck, stand up, Chuck, let them see you!" Biden declared. There was just one issue: Graham had been paralyzed since he was a teenager. 

Realizing his mistake, Biden fumbled as he attempted to correct it. "Oh, god love you. What am I talking about?" said the red-faced politician in a moment that would not look out of place on an episode of "The Office." "I tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up, though, pal."

Speaking to Politico following the incident, Graham insisted he felt no ill will towards Biden, who wasn't the first person to overlook the fact that he was a wheelchair user. "It happens all the time," he said. "It still happens to me after 12 years [in politics]. It doesn't bother me a bit."

Hillary Clinton couldn't free herself from Joe Biden's eternal hug

While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's relationship was infamously fraught, Joe Biden seems to be on good terms with the former first lady. Too good, perhaps. In 2016, Biden met with Democratic presidential hopeful Clinton at Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport. In a cringe-inducing moment, Biden swooped in for a seemingly never-ending hug. Clinton patted Biden's shoulders in an apparent attempt to escape the embrace, but Biden's hands were still firmly draped around her. The hug lasted an eye-popping 16 seconds.

The cringeworthy gesture came amid criticism of Biden for what many deemed his "handsy" behavior around women. Speaking to People in 2019, Clinton dismissed suggestions that Biden got too close for comfort in his interactions with women. "For goodness' sake, I'm sorry, I have to jump in because I've heard a little bit about that," she said. "I mean, I don't think that the Twitterverse is the American electorate, but there are lots of vocal voices that say all kinds of things." She added, "[Biden] is a thoroughly decent human being."

Joe Biden said poor kids are as smart as white kids

While campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2019, Joe Biden made an awkward blunder that hardly endeared the public towards him. Appearing at the Asian and Latino Coalition in Iowa, Biden got onto the subject of educational attainment. "We have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids," he said. Immediately noting his blunder, the Democratic hopeful attempted to save himself from further embarrassment. "Wealthy kids. Black kids. Asian kids," he continued.

He was widely criticized for the remark. "'Poor' kids are just as bright and talented as white kids?" former New York City mayor and fellow Democratic hopeful Bill de Blasio wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "To quickly dismiss [Joe Biden's] words as a mere 'slip of the tongue' is as concerning as what he said. We need to have a real conversation about the racism and sexism behind 'electability.'" Inevitably, Donald Trump, who has a lengthy history of arguably racist behavior, took the slip-up as an opportunity to take the moral high ground over his rival. "This is part of a pattern," he said in a campaign email (via CNBC).

However, Biden's team stated that he simply misspoke. "The Trump campaign posting the video without the Vice President's immediate correction is patently disingenuous — and it's no coincidence this comes days after Joe Biden laid out how this president emboldens white nationalism and embraces racism," said Kate Bedingfield, per CNN.

What exactly is a 'lying dog-faced pony soldier'?

When it comes to rare insults, nothing can match "you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier." Joe Biden made the bizarre remark while campaigning in New Hampshire in 2020. When an audience member questioned Biden's electability, the Democratic nominee replied, "I was a Democratic caucus. You ever been to a caucus? No you haven't. You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier." It was giving Grandpa Simpson and his rant about nineteen-dickety-two.

The befuddling jibe led to considerable debate, with folks trying to figure out the etymology of "lying dog-faced pony soldier." Biden's rep claimed that he took the line from a John Wayne film; however, while there is indeed a 1952 film entitled "Pony Soldier," not only does it not star Wayne, no one utters the aforementioned insult.

As Slate noted, it seems that Biden got two different movies mixed up. In "Pony Soldier," a character says, "The pony soldier speaks with a tongue of the snake that rattles." Meanwhile, in the John Wayne film "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon," the narrator refers to "the dog-faced soldiers." However, it remains unclear why Biden used the amalgamated movie quotes to insult a prospective voter.

Joe Biden confused his wife and his sister

Joe and Jill Biden's relationship spans five decades, so it's understandable if the two have grown a little accustomed to each other over the years. Whether this longevity justified Joe mistaking his wife for a family member is another matter entirely.

Following his victory in the presidential primaries in March 2020, the Democratic nominee addressed supporters in Los Angeles, accompanied by his sister, Valerie, and his wife, Jill. "They don't call it Super Tuesday for nothing! By the way, this is my little sister, Valerie," he said, gesturing towards Jill, "And I'm Jill's husband! Oh no, this is her. Ah, you've switched on me! This is my wife; this is my sister."

It was a painfully awkward moment, but the future president's embarrassing mix-up was overshadowed by the sudden arrival of a vegan activist, who stormed the stage with a sign that read, "Let dairy die." Thanks to the help of Jill — or was it Valerie? — the protestor was escorted off the stage.

The president was caught dozing off at the COP26 summit

The misadventures of Joe Biden continued into his presidency. Appearing at the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow in 2021, Biden was caught dozing off during a speech. Admittedly, he appeared to be trying his best to keep his eyes open, but in a moment that most folks can undoubtedly relate to, his drowsiness got the better of him.

The faux pas served as fuel for Donald Trump supporters, who revived the former POTUS' "sleepy Joe" pejorative. Right-wing outlet the Daily Wire, for instance, used Biden's somnolent moment as an excuse for ageist insults. "What's your role on the trip, random intern? 'Well, I go and wake up the president every time he falls asleep,'" Ian Haworth, the outlet's then editor, wrote on X.

However, speaking to Forbes, Jane Hall, a professor and political author, argued that the amount of traction the gaffe gained was rather worrying, serving as a distraction from the urgency of the climate crisis. "Yes, he nodded off, and the media jumped on 'Sleepy Joe,' but he is 78-years old and likely has jetlag," Hall said. "We should be worried that this has gotten so much attention ... What is disturbing about this is that it is just such a small part of what should be an enormous story given the importance of this conference."

A child had to remind Joe Biden of the last country he visited

Joe Biden was greeting a crowd of children at the White House in spring 2023, when a youngster asked him about the last country he traveled to. "The last country I've traveled, I'm trying to think of the last one I was in," Biden replied, while wracking his brain. "I've been to — met with 89 heads of state so far. So, uh, trying to think where was the last place I was; it's hard to keep track." 

Accordingly, a child reminded Biden that the country in question was Ireland. The crowd began laughing, and the president took the ribbing in his stride. "Yeah, you're right, Ireland. That's where it was," Biden said. "How'd you know that?" Just weeks earlier, the president had visited Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, to meet with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. He even joked to Irish President Michael D. Higgins that he loved Ireland so much that he wanted to move there. 

Biden's apparent memory problems led to concern over his fitness for the presidency. "Today, Biden forgot the last foreign country he visited as president," Rep. Darrell Issa wrote on X. "It was Ireland. Week before last. And he wants four more years?" That being said, given the breadth of travel required of the president, Biden can be forgiven for feeling somewhat overwhelmed. 

Joe Biden gave the U.K. prime minister a new title

When President Joe Biden met with Rishi Sunak at the White House in June 2023, he gave the British prime minister a whole new title. "Well, Mr. President — I just demoted you," Biden said before correcting himself. "Mr. Prime Minister." He continued, saying, "It's great to have you back."

Of course, the U.K., being a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government not unlike commonwealth nations such as Canada, doesn't have presidents. Sunak simply laughed and nodded during the awkward exchange. It was a gaffe-filled meeting — Biden also implied that Sunak had been to the White House before; however, this was his first visit.

This wasn't the first time Biden had an embarrassing Sunak-related slip-up. He butchered the prime minister's name when he rose to power back in October 2022. "Just today, we've got news that Rashee, Rashee Sanook is now the prime minister. Pretty astounding," he said (via Politico).

King Charles III was seemingly forced to divert Joe Biden's gaze from the royal guards

During Queen Elizabeth II's 70-year reign, she witnessed plenty of world leaders embarrass themselves in front of her. Since King Charles III ascended the throne in September 2022, it's seemed that politicians have been aching to outdo their predecessors and make right fools of themselves in front of the monarch.

In July 2023, President Joe Biden paid the king a visit at Windsor Castle. Things got off to a bumpy start, with the president spending a considerable amount of time hovering around the royal guards. In an excruciating moment, Charles repeatedly tried to get Biden's attention, though he was busy having a lengthy conversation with one of the guards. Some argued that Charles appeared to have snapped and lost his temper at Biden. Eventually, the king was able to usher his guest away, though Biden then broke royal protocol by repeatedly touching His Majesty.

Despite the awkwardness, it seems that Charles and Biden remain on good terms. Buckingham Palace later defended the president, noting that the king had no problem with the physical contact. "What a wonderful symbol of warmth and affection it was between both the individuals and their nations," a palace source told People.

Joe Biden forgot to sign an executive order

If there's one thing nobody can deny about Joe Biden, it's that the man has a sense of humor. In July 2023, the president appeared at a textile factory in Maine, where he was supposed to sign an executive order on U.S. manufacturing. Biden had one job — but he almost left the event without signing the order. "I'm coming back to shake your hand, but I forgot, I didn't sign the order!" he declared. "All that talk and no action." Biden poked fun at his mishap, alleviating a rather awkward situation.

Biden isn't the first president to make a mistake of this nature. Donald Trump infamously forgot to sign an executive order at the Oval Office back in 2017. But unlike Biden, who eventually realized his mistake, Trump simply left the room without signing the order, seemingly distracted by a reporter's question.

When Joe Biden lost his train of thought, White House staff cut him off

In September 2023, Joe Biden was giving a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, when things suddenly went awry. "Look, nobody likes having celebrated international meetings if you don't know what you want at the meeting, if you don't have a game plan," he said in reference to his meeting with Chinese premier Li Qiang. "He may have a game plan — he just hasn't shared it with me. But I tell you what, I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to bed." 

The bizarre remarks led to puzzled titters from the audience. Meanwhile, Biden continued, making further gaffes when he mistakenly referred to the Southern hemisphere as the third world, immediately apologizing for his slip-up. The president was swiftly cut off by press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre before he could continue with the rambling speech.

Social media erupted following the toe-curling moment. "I have never seen this in my entire life," conservative podcast host Graham Allen tweeted. "Joe Biden's press conference was ended and cut short by a staffer during a rambling Biden moment. What is going on?" Meanwhile, The Spectator claimed that Biden had become an "embarrassment" on the world stage. Although, by his own admission, Biden was exhausted following his numerous engagements.

During a press conference, Joe Biden seemingly forgot the name of Hamas

In the midst of the Israel-Palestine conflict, Joe Biden held a press conference on negotiating the release of hostages in February 2024. "There's been a response from the opposition," Biden, who said that he was choosing his words carefully, began. Seemingly forgetting the name of Hamas, he was reminded of the group's name by a member of the press. "Yes, I'm sorry, from Hamas," the president continued.

Biden's apparent inability to recall the militant organization's name led to discernible confusion. "It was quite a stark moment. ... It was quite clear that he could not remember the word 'Hamas' and had to be prompted by a member of the media who was there in the White House," said Sky News correspondent Mark Stone. "This is not the first time — so many times over the past few years, he has stumbled on his words."

Similarly, Democratic congressman Dean Phillips claimed that he and a number of his peers were concerned about Biden's supposed memory problems. "I admire our President," Phillips wrote on X. "I voted for him and campaigned for him. ... But shame on all of you pretending everything is ok. You are leading us — and him — into a disaster, and you damn well know it."

The president didn't know whether to stand or sit at a D-Day commemoration

Staying true to his self-styled "gaffe machine" moniker, President Joe Biden once again went viral for his faux pas in June 2024. Accompanied by French president Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte, Joe and Jill Biden attended an event commemorating the anniversary of D-Day in France. After meeting with veterans, Joe appeared unsure as to whether he was supposed to sit or stand — despite the fact that the Macrons were both standing — and attempted to sit down, resulting in the president leaning back in an excruciating half-sit, half-stand position.

Inevitably, the gaffe went viral. "Patriot World War II veterans who are more than a 100 years old can stand," Steve Cortes, a former colleague of Donald Trump, tweeted. "But Joe Biden struggles to stand for a few short moments on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. What a disgrace."

Biden was hardly being disrespectful to veterans, however, with the president hugging and joking with D-Day vets at the commemoration. Moreover, Biden's gaffe somehow wasn't the most embarrassing politician moment at the event. Namely, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak decided to leave the event early so he could participate in a television interview.

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