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Rwanda: Why the Election Period in Rwanda Is a Celebration

AllAfrica 4 days ago

It's just a few days into the Presidential and parliamentary campaigns for the upcoming elections on July 15, 2024, and Rwanda is already buzzing with excitement.

Unlike in some countries, Rwanda's election season resembles a vibrant carnival, filled with joy and celebration rather than the acrimony and violence often seen elsewhere.

Rwandan campaigns have been colorful festivals of contrasting roadshows and diverse ideas, converging towards a common goal: national renewal. This period allows citizens to either retain or replace their leadership in a peaceful, free, and enjoyable manner, breaking the monotony of daily life.

Despite the ruling party RPF's (Rwandan Patriotic Front) request for people to continue with their work and businesses, many have opted to join President Paul Kagame's campaign caravan.

This year, particularly among the youth, there is a heightened sense of ownership over the electoral process, evident in the enthusiastic social media posts and participation.

In the past, people waited for the president to speak about his plans. Now, many actively join him on the campaign trail, distributing the RPF Inkotanyi manifesto and celebrating his accomplishments with music and dance. Thousands of young people proudly wear merchandise with the party's colors--red, blue, and white--emblazoned with "PK" for Paul Kagame.

This massive support comes not just from political affiliations but also from the private sector and civil society, groups that typically stay neutral. The deep-rooted admiration for Kagame and the RPF Inkotanyi stems from their pivotal role in rebuilding Rwanda after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, transforming it into one of Africa's most prosperous and stable nations.

Rwandans have several reasons to support Kagame. Consider the profound changes: once-impoverished families now thrive with livestock providing milk for consumption and sale, students from remote areas achieve high grades and receive scholarships to prestigious universities abroad, and universal access to secondary education.

Additionally, Rwanda's healthcare system, with over 90% of the population insured and life expectancy rising from 50 to 66 years, is a model that even superpowers admire.

The reconciliation process in Rwanda is another remarkable story. Survivors and perpetrators of the Genocide live side by side, with acts of forgiveness and repentance fostering a unique social harmony. This daunting task, undertaken by Kagame, forms the bedrock of Rwanda's progress and promises continued reconciliation.

Rwanda's political system further sets it apart. The country practices a unique form of political pluralism and power-sharing, unlike the winner-takes-all approach seen in most democracies. The ruling party shares 50% of parliamentary and Cabinet seats with other parties, including representatives for women, youth, and people with disabilities.

The RPF has consistently ceded significant positions, such as the Speaker of the Senate and the Prime Minister, to other parties or neutral candidates, ensuring no one is left behind.

This inclusive approach makes all Rwandans feel part of the political process, giving them every reason to support and celebrate their favorite candidate. President Kagame's transformative leadership has fostered a deep sense of loyalty and pride among the people.

Kagame's Leadership and Youth Engagement

Paul Kagame's leadership has had a particularly profound impact on the youth of Rwanda, encouraging them to actively engage in the political process. Under his guidance, the government has implemented numerous policies and initiatives aimed at empowering young people and fostering a sense of national pride and responsibility.

Kagame's administration has placed a strong emphasis on education and technology, recognizing them as key drivers of economic growth and innovation. The introduction of programs such as "Smart Classrooms" and the Kigali Innovation City project have provided young Rwandans with the tools and opportunities to excel in a digital age.

These initiatives have not only improved educational outcomes but have also inspired a new generation of entrepreneurs and innovators.

The integration of young people into the political landscape has ensured that the voices of Rwanda's youth are heard and valued. This has led to increased youth participation in governance and decision-making processes, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for the country's future.

Young Rwandans have also actively participated in activities that promote unity and social cohesion. This sense of civic duty and national pride has been instrumental in building a strong, resilient society that values collaboration and mutual support.

Rwanda's election period is a unique celebration of accomplishments, characterized by joy, inclusivity, and active participation from all segments of society, especially the youth. Paul Kagame's transformative leadership has created an environment where young people are empowered to take an active role in shaping their country's future.

As Rwanda continues to grow and develop, the enthusiasm and engagement of its youth will undoubtedly play a crucial role in ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for all.

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