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People Divulge The Biggest Betrayals They've Ever Experienced

comicsands.com 2 days ago

Reddit user yugertasew asked: 'What is the biggest betrayal you've experienced in your life?'

There's a saying that goes, "No one can hurt you like the person who's closest to you."

Because as much as we love our friends and family, not everyone is a trustworthy character.

If they decide to betray us, the betrayal will hurt so much more than it would have from a stranger, simply because we never saw it coming.

Redditor yugertasew asked:

"What is the biggest betrayal you've experienced in your life?"

Wholesome Priorities

"Family member died, the family member that was the executor used the estate lawyer to try and write everyone out of the will and keep all the money."

"I hired my own lawyer, my lawyer said he's never seen anything like it. It got straightened out quick and we all got our share."

- Most-Temporary-3130

"My family was very close to my Grandmother, we saw her all the time and since I was small we would do chores around her place, like garden work, etc."

"I was also vaguely aware that I had an uncle who was a solicitor that I didn't really know, I think I saw him in person once before or something like that."

"When she died it was awful, she had a sudden stroke and was basically in a coma for about 3 weeks before a second one took her. I wasn't aware of this at the time since I was about 12, but I later learned that she left everything to us and nothing to my uncle, specifically because he wasn't in her life at all and we were."

"He promptly used his legal practice to try to snake all the money from us. It eventually failed, but it cost us a fair amount to defend against and basically drove my father to disown him completely. We don't even talk about him in our house anymore."

- Wind_Yer_Neck_In

Wedding Vow Remorse

"My husband slept with a waitress on our honeymoon."

"Yes, I found out that night. Yes, I left that night. Yes, I handed him divorce papers within a week."

"It was a long time ago, I've moved on now, and I'm in a very happy relationship."

- SoftSungirlx

Lost The Family Dream

"I found out that son and daughter had different biological fathers, neither one me. My son’s father was my best friend and little sister’s husband. Rough times."

"I was a great father and loved my children the most. I just wanted the best for them. I fought for custody but had no legal standing. I settled for joint custody and had them every other weekend for five years but she eventually turned them against me."

"I just paid the child support and hoped they would get in touch one day. They never have."

"My son died two years ago. My daughter has four or five kids who I have never seen except for a few photos. I regret I haven’t been able to have grandkids. I’d make a great grandpa."

- hickorynut60

A Preventable Tragedy

"My son's lifelong primary care physician ignored a scan faxed to her from a radiologist at the ER in 2018, showing a tumor on his liver, even had it measured."

"She didn't tell us or order follow-up testing."

"He just died this past October from late-stage liver cancer the doctors at Children's were surprised to find two weeks after his 16th birthday."

- AliCat32

A Memorable Transaction

"This sounds pretty lame but when my dad gave me $60 when I was seven or eight for my birthday. I felt really rich at the time because I had never grown up with an allowance and barely received gifts."

"I wanted to buy a $30 video game and keep the rest but it was rated M (my dad didn't give a s**t what I played) so he had to buy it for me."

"When he did, he pocketed the other $30, and I asked for it back."

"He told me in the sternest voice, 'You got your gift with the money I gave you. I take back the rest you don't use.'"

"I'm 35 now and still recall this like it was recent. It struck me so much how f**ked over I felt from my own dad. He also died over ten years ago and didn't leave anything for us. I totally expected it."

- Silver_Scallion_1127

When The Vows Mean Nothing

"My ex-wife cheating on me."

"I didn't know she had an affair while we were engaged. A good friend of ours did and neither of them told me."

"I didn't know she cheated on me a few times during our 16-year marriage either, until I caught her in her latest affair in Oct of 2005 and divorced her. I found out about her other affairs during the divorce."

"We had no marriage. She was cheating while we were engaged. She knew our marriage was DOOMED before we took our so-called wedding vows. She was never all in our team like I was."

"My entire marriage was a lie."

- No_Roof_1910

Why Marry In The First Place?

"I was married for two years, and we had just bought our first home. Ten days later, my husband walked in the door and said, 'I don’t want to be married anymore, I’m leaving.'"

"My 'best' friend was very supportive, but two weeks later, I found out that they were together, and that she had manipulated both of us."

"When my husband finally agreed to talk to me, he told me that he hadn’t wanted to marry me but he didn’t know how to get out of it."

"I had no idea. Why would he do this?"

- No_Stay_6530

Nothing Like A Family Inheritance

"Family conned me out of a quarter of a million inheritance through some legal bullsh*t. I was broke. They were middle class."

- JohnPaulEdwards

"Nothing like an inheritance to bring out the worst in people…"

- The_Amazing_Username

Such A Dirty Trick

"I have a friend who got divorced, and his ex told everyone he cheated on her."

"I stood by him as a friend even though I was a bit skeptical of his denial that he cheated. All our other friends bailed on him."

"Come to find out, his ex made it up, because she was bitter about him getting shared custody of their boys."

"I'm still his only friend."

- Jeddark_Of_Thark

The Lack Of Faith

"After dedicating my life to figure skating and my coach, she abandoned me during the lowest time of my life. She watched and encouraged me to destroy myself for years, and then when my body started to literally break down and fall apart, she left."

"She told me I didn’t want it bad enough like I hadn’t neglected every other aspect of my life to dedicate myself completely to becoming the best in the world. I wasn’t even close."

"Then watching her walk out on me so easily like she didn’t practically raise me all because I couldn’t perform anymore… That was betrayal."

- Bulldogs_R_Awesome

No Friends At Work

"No details, but I learned that your boss is NEVER your friend."

- Giraffiesaurus

"My last boss was acting all friendly and asking questions about my life outside of work. I wouldn't give him anything and would answer very vaguely or give him a boring response because I was annoyed by his constant asking."

"He even asked me directly if I smoked weed and said it was okay if I did and that I wasn't going to get in trouble, but I still said no, I don't."

"Four weeks later, I got unfairly fired by straight-up lies. He was trying to get dirt and couldn't find any, so he made s**t up. NEVER TRUST YOUR BOSS."

- Realistic_Flow89

Taken For Granted

"It's partly my own fault. My ex-wife was a serial cheater. I kept forgiving her because we had kids together."

"After 23 years of marriage and five kids, she walked out completely and moved in with a deadbeat loser. I raised the kids myself."

"The biggest betrayal wasn't her leaving me. It was her taking little to no interest in the lives of her kids. My daughters were in high school and my two youngest boys were seven and nine. They needed a mother."

- dolfan650

"As a woman who can't have kids, this enrages me for you and them! I'm glad you were able to be there."

- MadameOfTheIllest

"I remarried, and my wonderful wife now cannot have kids. It enrages her that their mom just doesn’t get involved with them, and she doesn’t understand why she can’t have kids and someone who doesn’t deserve them has five."

"It has been eight years since she left. She moved to another state, and she maybe sees them once a year."

- dolfan650

A Lack Of Trust

"I made the mistake of letting my best friend talk me into working for him. It went okay for over a year."

"But one day, he ordered me to unpack, tear down, and completely rebuild a set of prototypes I had spent the last three weeks perfecting and were already on the outgoing shipping dock. He 'just had an idea that there might be something wrong with them.'"

"I protested, pointing out to him that we had both agreed that everything had been repeatedly and thoroughly tested and was ready to ship. He reluctantly agreed, and I thought that was that."

"A little while later, I walked into the engineering lab and found the shipping carton open, and the prototypes on the test bench, completely torn down. He said, 'I guess they were okay after all.'"

"I was furious. It was a huge personal insult. It showed a real lack of trust in my technical abilities and professional integrity. And how far off the deep end his judgment had gone."

"I walked to my cube, gathered my things, and left. I never went back. I liked that job, but was too angry to work for him anymore."

"I've seen him socially a few times since, but things just aren't the same. He apologized, but there's a distance there that I can't seem to overcome. This whole stupid thing has ruined a 23-year friendship."

- kirradoodle

A Trap!

"My cat approached like she wanted pets, but when I reached my hand out, she bit me."

- Kshi-dragonfly

"Or when they start grooming themselves after petting them."

- Dickslayer704

"Laying on their back presenting their belly. It’s a trap!"

- gatton

Some of these accounts left us cringing, others made us sad, and others had us laughing.

While there are many betrayals that hit us deeply and can completely change or ruin a relationship, there are others, like with our bodies or our feline friends, that we have to laugh at and move on.

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