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The Resilient Shadows of ISIS: A Decade of Persistence

devdiscourse.com 3 days ago

A decade after declaring a caliphate, ISIS has lost its territorial control and many leaders but continues to recruit and carry out deadly attacks worldwide. Despite being weakened, the group remains a security threat with sleeper cells in Syria and Iraq and strong branches in Africa and Afghanistan.

The Resilient Shadows of ISIS: A Decade of Persistence
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A decade following its declaration of a caliphate across vast regions of Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State (ISIS) has faded from global headlines. However, the group's recruiting efforts and violent attacks persist, despite the loss of significant leaders and territorial control.

Recent attacks in Iran and Russia, alongside ongoing operations by ISIS sleeper cells in Syria and Iraq, illustrate the group's resilience. The Iraqi government finds itself in strategic negotiations with Washington about the potential withdrawal of US troops.

In response to these enduring threats, the US-led coalition remains vigilant, conducting airstrikes and intelligence operations aimed at dismantling the remnants of ISIS, thus reinforcing international efforts to combat global terrorism.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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