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Time-To-Automation Paradox

Forbes 4 days ago

Amit Eyal Govrin, CEO, Kubiya.ai, an Intelligent Agents platform for self-service of complex tasks and queries through simple conversations.

In the dynamic world of DevOps, the core values revolve around people, processes and tools. As illustrated in the diagram below, the synergy between these elements fosters collaboration, innovation and automation. Yet, despite our best efforts to automate processes, we often encounter the "Time-To-Automate Paradox."

The Time-To-Automate Paradox

This concept closely mirrors Jevon's Paradox, which states that the more efficient a resource becomes, the more it is consumed. The longer it takes to automate an end-to-end process, the less likely it is to be completed. The time and effort required to automate a process often outweigh its perceived benefits, leading to perpetual deferment. This creates a cycle where critical processes remain manual, continually falling lower on the priority list until the next crisis hits, prompting the question: "Why isn't this automated?"

Core Values: People, Processes And Tools

The essence of DevOps lies in balancing people, processes and tools. Overemphasizing tools or processes can leave the human element behind, creating a zero-sum game. DevOps should enhance human potential, not overshadow it.


People are the driving force behind innovation and execution. They understand the business goals and have the creativity to drive strategic initiatives. However, the people aspect can be neglected when teams become overly focused on tools and processes. This often leads to a disconnect between those creating automation solutions and the broader business goals.


Processes ensure consistency and efficiency, providing a structured approach to solving problems. However, rigid processes can stifle creativity and innovation. For instance, a well-defined but overly complex change management process might slow the ability to implement innovative solutions quickly. This can create frustration among team members who feel bogged down by bureaucracy rather than empowered to innovate.


Tools are the enablers that facilitate automation and innovation. While essential, an overemphasis on selecting and implementing tools can lead to a situation where the tools dictate the workflow rather than supporting it. For example, choosing a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tool that requires extensive customization and maintenance can divert attention from strategic initiatives and focus on maintaining the tool itself.

Examples Of Misalignment In DevOps

Example 1: CI/CD Pipeline Implementation

Consider a DevOps team tasked with implementing a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. The team decided to use a powerful but complex tool that requires extensive configuration and ongoing maintenance. Setting up this tool takes months, during which time the business cannot deliver new features to customers. The focus on the tool and the process of setting it up diverts talented engineers from working on strategic, innovative projects that could drive the business forward. The misalignment here is apparent: The goal of enabling rapid innovation through CI/CD is undermined by the complexity and time required to implement the tool.

Example 2: Infrastructure As Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is another area where the paradox manifests. Automating the provisioning and management of infrastructure is crucial for scalability and reliability. However, creating and maintaining IaC scripts can become a significant time sink. Engineers may spend more time writing and debugging these scripts than working on new product features or improving existing ones. This focus on automation for its own sake can lead to a situation where the business' innovation goals are sidelined in favor of maintaining infrastructure.

Breaking The Paradox

To break free from the Time-To-Automate Paradox, we must simplify the automation process, making it so seamless and fast that it becomes as easy as conversing with a teammate. When automation is this accessible, it integrates into daily operations, supporting rather than hindering business goals.

AI Teammates As A Solution

Enter AI Teammates, a groundbreaking concept that leverages agentic frameworks and generative AI (GenAI) to take on routine, repetitive tasks. Unlike traditional automation, AI Teammates are fluid, adaptable and scalable, requiring no exhaustive coding or maintenance. They dynamically adjust to business needs, reducing the time-to-automation to a casual conversation.

For instance, imagine an AI Teammate that can handle tasks such as resolving Jira tickets, managing CI/CD pipelines and overseeing infrastructure changes. This frees engineers to focus on high-impact activities that drive innovation and business success.


In today's hyper-competitive world, the key to winning lies in leveraging AI to streamline operations, freeing human talent for strategic initiatives. By simplifying the automation process, we can break the deferment cycle and unlock our teams' full potential.

Embrace this shift. Make automation intuitive and effortless. Let AI Teammates handle the routine while your teams drive innovation. This is the path to success in the modern operations landscape. We can redefine technical operations and lead our organizations to unprecedented heights. It's about time we break away from the paradox and say, "Time to delegate."

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