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Reasons Why You Are Not progressing

naijapage.com 1 day ago

Reasons Why You Are Not Progressing

Reasons Why You Are Not Progressing

Reasons Why You Are Not Progressing: Everyone on this earth has a goal or dream that they want to achieve. We are all created with special gifts and talents from God because he has a purpose for us all.

Some of our talents or gifts are identified at a very young age, while others have to discover them later in life. There is no one here on earth who made a mistake because our heavenly father doesn’t make mistake.

There are people who have done their best to succeed but have failed, while others have done well. We all may not look equal in our own eyes, but God sees us equally.

For example, in schools, there are kids who don’t need a lot of effort to pass exams, and there are kids who do.

God cannot put us here on earth without having a plan for us. Our duty is to discover what makes us special and work with it.

In order for us to make it in life, there are a lot of things that are needed, like

  • Self-discovery: What are you good at, or what do you have passion for?
  • Efforts: After you have discovered yourself, it is time to work hard to work with it. God doesn’t support laziness.
  • Closer Relationship with God: In order for us to make it in life and also be happy, we must have a strong relationship with God. There are a lot of people who have made it through life without Christ, but they are unhappy today.
  • Improvement: Some of us are afraid of working on ourselves, and that’s bad. We are not perfect, and God loves us like that, but he wants us to improve. No matter what your talent is, do your best to improve more and more every day.

Things That Are Holding You Back From Progressing Are

Reasons Why You Are Not Progressing pt2

  • People pleasing
  • Comparison
  • Negativity
  • Scared of failure.
  • Laziness

People Pleasing

A lot of us are living our lives every day, just pleasing everyone around us. It is important for us to understand that there are gifts given to us and that we have work to do.

It doesn’t matter how many people support you; just do your best.

God won’t be happy with us if we don’t use all the talents and gifts he gave us. It doesn’t matter if your friends will leave you once you start singing for the Lord. If they make fun of you, just know they are not supporters. The biggest supporter you need here on earth is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ told us the parable about the talents, so let us take our talents seriously.

The “Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25:14–30 tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel and, before leaving, entrusted his property to his servants. According to the abilities of each man, one servant received five talents, the second received two, and the third received only one.

Lesson: The parable’s point is that we should use whatever we have for God’s purposes. The terrible penalties for the unproductive servant, much above those caused by ordinary commercial incompetence, teach us that we should spend our lives rather than waste them.


God does not want us to live our lives comparing one another because he was pleased when he created us.

The devil is working so hard by making most of us spend our time comparing ourselves to others. We can be inspired or motivated by people around us to be better and improve, but we should never be bitter toward them.

When we understand that no matter how small we feel, God can still use our talents for mighty things.

Maybe you are good at making cakes but bad at singing. Don’t feel bad; just do your best. Everyone is special to God, and he’s watching us.

If you are good with sports but not good with dancing, do your best at your sports. Comparing ourselves to the people around us will steal our joy.

Comparison is the thief of joy because it will keep you counting things you never had. Be grateful for both little and big things the Lord has given you.

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