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The 3rd and 4th of July with our Community of the Lamb- daughter ls Hallel/I know them, and they follow me. - +JMJ+

familysoulstory.blogspot.com 2024/10/5

Our 2 Marshall families with 4 little sisters and 3 little brothers after spending 2 days together on the farm.  They arrived on the 3rd which is a big day for us as it was the anniversary of my sister, Mary's death 38 years ago from Lymphoma.  She was Hallel's/Susan's Godmother as well as Nancy's and had a farmer husband and baby daughter, Audrey.  She was only 28 years old and her name was Mary Susan.  

Hallel with her eyes closed - classic pose for her over the years that just doesn't change! 

little brother, Francis Xavier, is a priest of the Lamb and did the mass both Thursday and Friday with Fr Denny.

Hallel sharing with a Schoenstatt sister after mass that she had heard her call to be a sister while at Schoenstatt Camp 25 years ago or more.  There is sad news that the Sleepy Eye house is closing due to low vocations.  I still have many granddaughters that were looking forward to going to their camps in the summer!  

As a new Catholic and one that had discerned a call to be a nun in my conversion story... I wanted my 4 girls to see nuns in habits and consider a call to that wonderful life as a bride of Christ!  The only place nearbye was Schoenstatt Camp with sisters that still wore habits!  It was on the way home from there that Hallel shared that she now thought about being a nun!!!  I was deeply moved and touched by this!

Sr Jessica after mass with the 4 little sisters of the Lamb here for a couple days before they head to Sleepy Eye for a "Mission."  They were going to begin by begging for their lunch yesterday.  They go door to door of the poor to ask for them to give them something to eat, and take their prayer requests and shares with them the Gospel.  

John and little brother David, who is the first American little brother, who grew up around St Louis, MO.  Little brother David is blind! Sometimes I ponder the darkness that he lives in, yet he is a shining LIGHT to all around him!  

This young man, Tim, and his family gives me so much JOY and happiness!  He is a classmate of Hallel, and he and his wife, Mercy, found their faith together and are now in the Deaconate program in our diocese. 

 I love how our amazing wonderful Catholic Church continues to find new LIFE thanks to these wonderful young people saying "yes" to Our Lord and bringing their families along with them on a journey of Faith and Family!  
Doing morning prayer after mass on the porch with their Lamb - "Wounded, I will never cease to love."  
Hallel with 2 1/2 year old farm boy, Thomas. 
 July 3rd was also the feast of St Thomas, and we are so grateful for the New LIFE Tom has brought into our farm family - grandma included.  He loves his grandma so much as we have spent a lot of time together since his birth into the family of 9.  I am so humbled by his devotion and love for me. That is something that happens to grandpa Pat all the time, but for me it is rare.  
Gathered around Mary as we went our separate ways - they are going to Sleepy Eye for some days and then to a suburb of the Cities for a couple more.  They will share mass and prayer along with going begging for their food.  It is this way that they evangelize and share the Gospel door to door - usually in poor neighborhoods!  
Saturday is devoted to Mary and the words today from the Alleluia before the Gospel from John 10 speaks of the example of Faith and giving their all to Jesus and Mary...

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord;
I know them, and they follow me.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

The old folks with our nun just before she headed out on the road.  The little brothers choose to hitch hike as a form of Evangelization.  Imagine the 3 in blue by the side of the road... Your curiosity would be high to know about them and hear their stories and they yours along with all the beauty they have discovered in following their Lord - they hear his voice and follow him wherever he may lead them!  
Reflecting on this momento from our time in France for Hallel's final vows in August of 2018!  We stayed in a town nearbye called Fanjeaux where a town celebration was happening each night till early in the morning.  Pat would go to a stand and buy an American - a hamburger on french bread with french fries and mayo on it!  This cup with pop came along with it!  So fun to have another Minnesotan little sister, ls Candace is from North of the Cities and her dad works at Cargill!  
I love to see my 23 grandkids having this special connection to our nun and her Community of the Lamb!  Sharing evening prayer on the porch with Jude and Joy!   Pat kept saying that it was so great for the little ones to get comfortable with these amazing faithfilled men and women!  
Francis Xavier and John Marie with the flag cake they made for our 4th of July meal at the farm!  
Burgers for the 4th along with our cakes.  Big meals for 20 or more each meal.  I find that I get a bit stressed when we eat at my house, but Ruth's wide open living area and kitchen make it much more peaceful for me.  Probably because it is at her house and not mine.  

2 monks praying and struggling with distractions and temptations was the theme of the play.  Blind little brother David was PRAYER.

We had a skit too!  No screens truly while they were here, but prayer and meals and mass and visiting.  The grandkids would come and ask for  a movie and it was easy to say no. 
The couch was full for the play and for passing on the Gospel from one to the next one.  Then Popcorn where we share out words that had special meaning from the Gospel we shared in the circle.

Fr Denny with Francis Xavier celebrating mass on Friday morning.  The Gospel was the calling of St Matthew from Matthew 9.  We had just passed it around the circle one line at a time the night before!  We have learned from The Community to begin the night before with the Gospel!  They mendicate/chew on the Gospel by repeating it numerous times so that the Holy Spirit can speak to them.

Thursday we had found that the Gospel was the Paralytic - so important and huge for John with his cancer journey and being lowered in front of Jesus by the Prayer Warriors including our dear Community of the Lamb!  

A treasured drawing that we received from ls Judith and The Community early in our battle against brain cancer in 2009!   He is healed and is the new John now with beautiful wife and 3 children!
John's Spirit Juice video
Blind little brother David leading the Psalms from his brail machine.  So amazing to see how he is able to be a part of the prayer as if there is no problem.  He has embraced his handicap and proceeds with life with JOY and peace.  

A French sister, who is one day older than Hallel is here for a month to experience America!  She is found practicing her English by reading CS Lewis, The Silver Chair, to little Brother David.  Both were enjoying their time together helping one another out.  

The fireworks were postponed till the5th here in Marshall due to the rain, but a neighboring town about half an hour away still had them in the light rain.  Marie Joy had hoped to see her first 4th of July fireworks, so they loaded up and went!  Even little brother David went and listened to them explode overhead!  Talk about living life to the fullest even without the sight of your eyes, but the sight of your imagination.  
Hallel chases prayer away with her "Distractions."  
Distractions from prayer!  So cute and true!  The play ended with all of sharing the prayer God gave us - Our Father!  
Hallel leading us in the Gospel one line at a time - it went around the circle and even 4 year old Birdie Barbara shared it well.  
Thank you, Lord and Lady for this special time with our Community of the Lamb.  May their sharing of their lives bless many and allow many to say "yes" to your call to them.  May we die to self so that we may serve without counting the cost.  Jesus, we trust in you.  Amen and Hallelujah
I have no doubt that we will be going to see our 2 girls and their families in Kansas soon!  Just next week Ruth and Paul are going on vacation and will stop in KCK to say "Hi" to Hallel and the sisters and brothers that live in Kansas this year.  It is such a blessing to have my times to still be a nun... the Lord and Lady spoil me that way!  

 Cor mundum crea in me, Deus.

Create a clean heart in me, O God. -  Psalm 51:10

lamb+of+God.jpg (320×450)

COMMUNION Antiphon (Today's Liturgy)

The Lamb who is at the center of the throne

will lead them to the springs of the waters of life. - Rev 7:17

PRAYER after COMMUNION (Today's Liturgy)

 O God, who bestowed on blessed Saint Maria Goretti

a crown among the Saints for her

twofold triumph of virginity and martyrdom,
grant, we praythrough the power of this Sacrament,
that, bravely overcoming every evil, 
we may attain the glory of heaven.

Through Christ our Lord.


St Maria Goretti

Italy ~ 1890 -1902

Martyr at age 12 in defense of her virginity

Patron of Youth and Victims of Rape

Feast Day - July 6



"Even if she had not been a martyr,

she would still have been a saint,
so holy was her everyday life." - Cardinal Salotti

 St Maria Goretti, pray for us!


"Parents can learn from her story how to raise their God-given 
children in virtue, courage and holiness; they can learn to train

them in the Catholic faith so that, when put to the test,

God's grace will support them and they will come through

undefeated, unscathed and untarnished."

 Pope Ven Pius XII

homily, canonization Mass of St Maria Goretti (1950)

St Maria Goretti today - how my kids loved to hear her story when we shared the stories of the Saints in our home!  

Danielle Rose 

Salve Regina - Hail Holy Queen as sung by our Community each night at night prayer before bed.  Like angels singing!  
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