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Waste segregation

vocal.media 2024/10/5

Why it is so important?

Waste segregation
Nareeta Martin

Waste that we generate at our homes is of mainly two types: biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Biodegradable waste decomposes easily in the soil, but non-biodegradable waste doesn't break down in the soil for millions of years. In this article, we will explore why segregation of waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable is important and how to segregate waste.

#Types of waste

Waste refers to things that are no longer of any use.

Based on breaking down in soil, waste can be classified into two types:

"Biodegradable "

These substances break down in the soil easily due to microorganisms. They are not that harmful to the soil.

Some examples are paper, organic kitchen waste, cardboard, and plant waste such as wood and leaves.


These substances do not break down in the soil by microorganisms present in soil for millions of years.

Examples of non-biodegradable items are plastic, synthetic fibers, and metals.

#Why waste segregation is important?

We consume more, leading to more waste production. Have you ever wondered where this waste goes? This waste collects in landfills, moving out from our houses. Landfills get polluted due to this excess waste thrown in the landfill. Some of this waste never reaches the landfill and is disposed off in oceans, contaminating the ocean water.

Waste is a problem in today's era when the landfills are over flooded and population is increasing rapidly with rapid increase of consumption . Then it's become important to manage waste properly. Knowledge of waste segregation and how to segregate waste properly at home is important to manage different types of waste differently.

Waste segregation is important for following reasons :

Waste segregation helps to analyze waste production at our homes, giving us ideas on where production is high and where it can reduce better.

It facilitates the process of refuse, reduce, and recycle. Waste cannot be recycled until it is separated. Waste segregation ensures the efficient use of our resources conserving them for future generations.

It helps to reduce landfill pollution due to excessive waste in landfills.

If we mix biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste in landfills, it leads to the production of methane and carbon dioxide, which are greenhouse gases causing global warming.

Unsegregated waste thrown in soil and oceans releases harmful chemicals, affecting the health of plants and aquatic animals respectively.

#How to Segregate Waste at Home?

Waste segregation is the method of segregating waste into different categories based on their characteristics majorly dry and wet waste.

Wet waste is organic kitchen waste such as fruit and vegetable peels and leftover food. Wet waste is biodegradable and less harmful to our environment.

Dry waste consists of paper, cardboard, plastic wrappers, packaging waste, glass, and rubber. Dry waste includes both biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances. It can be recyclable or non-recyclable.

#How to segregate waste properly at home?

"Steps to segregate waste at home"

Keep separate containers for dry and wet waste.

Keep two containers for dry waste: one for biodegradable dry waste and one for non-biodegradable dry waste.

Dry waste should be cleaned before being thrown in the trash bin.

#Proper waste disposal

Waste disposal is the final step when waste is disposed off. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste should be treated differently .

Wet waste should be used for composting. Composting is the method of breaking down organic waste into soil and enriching its with nutrients.

You can directly compost at your home using a compost bin or directly in the soil pit. Composting helps to reduce waste in landfills, reducing global warming, and increasing soil fertility.

Dry waste can be recyclable and non- recyclable. Recyclable dry waste includes broken furniture, rubber, plastic bottles and containers, newspapers, and cardboard. These can be recycled easily at home or sent for recycling. Non-biodegradable dry waste, such as plastic wrappers and packaging materials, should be refused as much as possible.


Waste is a significant concern for this generation. Waste can lead to so many problems if not treated properly. These are some ways to manage your waste at home properly using knowledge of waste disposal and waste segregation. Waste segregation is important for reducing waste production, reducing global warming, and minimizing landfill pollution. To save our earth from becoming a landfill whole , it is must now we learn the importance of waste segregation and disposal and act on it.

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