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Prestigious recognition for Westmorland and Furness Council markets

nwemail.co.uk 2024/10/5

Barrow Market Hall and Ulverston Market wins national appreciation

Barrow Market Hall won the title “Community Events Champion” <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
Barrow Market Hall won the title “Community Events Champion” (Image: Supplied)

Stallholders in Barrow and Ulverston are celebrating after their markets took champion titles in a national contest.

The Barrow Market Hall and Ulverston Market, under the banner of Westmorland and Furness Council, were recognised as Love Your Local Market Champions 2024 by a prestigious national organisation.

Chosen from 400 UK markets participating this year, they join 13 other recipients of this high-profile honour.

The recognition comes from NABMA, the National Association of British Market Authorities, acknowledging the markets' contribution to the Love Your Local Market 2024 campaign.

Barrow Market Hall snagged the coveted title of "Community Events Champion".

Credit was given to the market's support of local events such as Furness Pride and Dino Day, which were decorated with face painting and outdoor market stalls.

Similarly, Ulverston Market won the Produce Champion title
Similarly, Ulverston Market won the Produce Champion title (Image: Supplied)

Similarly, Ulverston Market won the "Produce Champion" title.

NABMA lauded both markets for underlining the importance of community support for local businesses, providing a friendly environment for shoppers.

Love Your Local Market, now in its 13th year, is a global movement highlighting the richness and variety of neighbourhood market scenes across 24 countries.

As part of the accolade, Barrow Market Hall, home to nearly 20 traders, will see a relocation to temporary stalls at The Mall, during renovation work in the Market Hall.

Meanwhile, Ulverston Market’s campaign promoted shoppers to purchase Bank Holiday goodies and savour authentic local offerings.

Jacqui Armstrong, market manager for Westmorland and Furness Council, said: "To say I am delighted is an understatement and enforces how important it is to keep championing our much-loved markets. They have been at the heart of our communities for generations and they have a key part to play in making Westmorland and Furness a great place to live, work and thrive."

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