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Celebrate 200 Years of Legacy at Funk Farms Bicentennial Event

apexlifehub.com 2024/7/4

Celebrate two centuries of history at the much-anticipated Funk Farms Bicentennial Event. Unveiling the Legendary Saga Situated in the scenic beauty of McLean County, Funk Farms epitomizes resilience and commitment. Through the ages, this farm, known for its corn, soybean, and cattle, has adapted while holding onto its storied past. Paying Tribute to the Ancestors Founded in 1824 by the forward-thinking duo Isaac and Cassandra, Funk Farms has expanded to cover more than 20,000 acres of fertile soil. The enduring heritage of their labor lives on in Funks Grove. Harmonizing the Old with the New Ahead of the grand celebration, Funk Farms is merging old traditions with modern practices to provide a unique glimpse into historical and contemporary farming methods. Visitors will witness the shift from age-old farming implements to state-of-the-art machinery firsthand. Marking the Momentous Occasion Join in the commemoration of the farm's 200-year legacy at the festival this Saturday at Funk Farms. The festivities will feature enlightening events like discussions, book launches, a market, and a special brew from Keg Grove Brewing Co. Local businesses will also display their contributions in honor of this significant milestone. Embark on a Journey through Time Delve into the wonders of Funk Prairie Home and Gem and Mineral Museum during the event and explore the profound influence of Funk Farms on American culture. The celebrations will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., promising a day filled with education, entertainment, and merriment. For tickets and more details, visit FunkFarms200.com.

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