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Picture perfect: The next phase of photo cloud storage

techradar.com 1 day ago

The trends shaping the evolution of consumer photo cloud storage

(Image credit: Unsplash / Dylan Gillis)

Photographs and videos are more than just images; they are the currency of memories, a means of communication, and a tool for businesses and creatives alike.

In today's digital age, there’s always a camera either in our pockets or in our hands. There are over 6.5 billion smartphones worldwide, which means that there are over 6.5 billion cameras in people's hands. To put it lightly, the numbers are staggering with 1.72 trillion photos taken every year around the world, and 1.3 billion images shared per day on Instagram alone. Just let that sink in.

In a world where almost every moment can be captured and stored, the digital world is expanding exponentially, and as a result, the demand for user-friendly, efficient and secure photo and video storage solutions are becoming indispensable. The photo and video storage industry, once a niche market, has burgeoned into a cornerstone of our digital ecosystem.

To no surprise, storage is expensive. The personal cloud storage market was worth $22.8 billion in 2022 and growing close to 20% annually as consumers take more and more photos and store more content. With 6.5 billion cameras in the wild, over 70% of people that use cloud storage use it for photos. As we look to the future, several trends and technologies are shaping the evolution of this often overlooked industry.

The power of decoupling ecosystems

For consumers, decoupling digital ecosystems is becoming critical. Decoupling refers to separating your photos and videos from one central account or email. For example, big tech offers built-in, plug-and-play photo and video solutions that are ingrained in our habitual behavior. Obviously consumers use these solutions because they’re preinstalled on every smartphone in the market. Why would they need something else?

Because these solutions aren’t preservation solutions and backing up personal memories to other services is not top of mind, consumers are playing a risky game of roulette with their memories. It’s crucial to have a digital safety net to catch precious memories in case of any mishaps. Just ask the father of a newborn that was banned from all of his Google accounts because an image of his child that he shared with their pediatrician during the pandemic was flagged as nefarious content.

While these ecosystems are great for accessing content across devices, they aren’t great from preserving original content. These services tend to compress photos and videos, making them blurry, grainy, tiny and nearly unwatchable. Let’s face it, the more photos and videos you have with big tech, the more likely you are to keep buying hardware and the easier it is for them to serve you ads. Consumers need to centralize their photo and video content and clean up the digital mess of memories scattered across social media sites and other cloud storage solutions by “decoupling” from larger ecosystems. Decoupling provides insurance from hackers, account suspensions, and social media.

The evolving impact of AI

The integration of artificial intelligence into cloud storage is not just enhancing the way photos are stored, but revolutionizing the entire process. They have now become core facets of the mobile experience. AI-driven photo cloud storage is paving the way for advanced features like enhanced security protocols, predictive storage management, and enhanced organization tools. Imagine how great it will be to organize the 5,000+ photos and videos you have with just the click of a button. These advancements will ensure that users’ precious memories are not only safe but also accessible across devices and platforms, providing a seamless experience.

The possibilities of AI in photo storage are boundless, and we anticipate as AI becomes more sophisticated, so will methods for ensuring our precious photos are securely stored. Future AI systems might offer advanced encryption techniques or smarter ways to detect and prevent unauthorized access, giving us peace of mind that our private memories are safe. Additionally, these systems will have the potential to offer advanced encryption techniques or smarter ways to detect and prevent unauthorized access.

We also anticipate emotion recognition, where AI could soon be able to recognize the emotions conveyed in our photos. This will allow for even more nuanced categorization and search capabilities, and could lead to creating emotional-themed albums or finding photos that match our mood. Long live the days of scrolling through your endless amount of photos to find a moment in time that captured your happiest, or saddest moments.

Data gold rush

AI is not only enhancing the way photos are stored, it’s creating a bustling data market as a result to dominate generative AI technology. Many are calling 2024 the year of the generative data gold rush and to the surprise of many, photo cloud storage companies are at the forefront. As technology evolves, the way companies monetize free product offerings must evolve. While advertising is typically the primary revenue channel to support free accounts, there’s now an opportunity to support free accounts through licensing data to drive AI vision modeling technology.

What does this mean for the average consumer? Photo and video platforms can leverage the large, tagged content library and repository of metadata for AI and machine learning applications. This may raise eyebrows, but unaware to many, licensing data is not a new concept, and companies have been doing it for years, and it isn’t something the consumer should be afraid of. As we navigate this new era of technology, licensing content is a way to diversify additional revenue streams and allow companies opportunities to invest more in product upgrades to create a better user experience for customers in the future.

Future forward

As we look forward, it’s clear that the industry stands at a pivotal juncture, with technological advancements, user expectations, and AI licensing steering its course. We can’t ignore that as cloud services grow, so does their environmental footprint. The data centers that power the cloud consume vast amounts of energy and it’s imperative for the industry that we prioritize sustainability, investing in renewable energy and more efficient technologies to minimize our carbon footprint. As we continue to innovate and adapt to the digital world, we must do so with a keen awareness of the responsibilities that come with handling people’s most cherished memories.

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