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Anambra Indigenous Lawyers Forum, (ASILF), And Endorsement of Candidates For NBA Presidency -By EXCO

barristerng.com 4 days ago

The attention of Anambra State Indigenious Lawyers Forum,(ASILF), has been drawn to the publication titled AILF ENDORSES AND ADOPT MAZI AFAM OSIGWE published by Kubwa Express News on 17/06/24 and the other titled NBA PRESIDENCY:WE HAVE NOT ADOPTED ANY CANDIDATE-ANAMBRA LAWYERS published by Citylawyermag.com on 21/06/24.

It is said that two wrongs do not equate to a right.It is also said that what is not debunked or clarified stays the truth.

While the first publication may not have stated the true facts,the second publication equally fell short in addressing the issue.

The snag is that the disclaimer in same publication denounced the endorsement of a candidate,posited the neutrality of ASILF and tactcitly endorsed another candidate.

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The executives of ASILF initially thought of letting the publication go but the restiveness of members over the disclaimer should not be ignored.

ASILF as a body is neutral and non partisan especially when candidates in any election are from Anambra state. Members of ASILF are, however, quite free to express personal inclinations and leanings as far as elections and politics of the bar are concerned.

ASILF is quite proud and has been walking tall given the fact that the three contestants for the NBA presidency are all its members.

ASILF is also loudly proud that all three candidates are eminently qualified and have the capacity and goodwill to lead the NBA.

The outcome of the elections is surely a victory for ASILF.

When the publication about endorsing a particular candidate was made,we resolved to put up a disclaimer.We all agreed ASILF would have put up same disclaimer if any of the other two candidates were so endorsed.

A draft of the disclaimer was sent in.We were working on the draft,editing the final version when the purpoted ASILF disclaimer came out.Lo and behold,the contents were far from the ideals of ASILF.The disclaimer approbated and reprobated at the same time. The choice of words used did not conform with the tenents and standards of ASILF.

We stand to maintain the neutrality of ASILF in the coming elections for the NBA presidency. We stand to maintain that ASILF has not endorsed any of the three candidates.

We also stand to say that the three candidates are members of ASILF and we are proud of them.

We commend them for the high sense of decorum and maturity shown so far in this contest.The truth is that we expect no less being that the three rank very high among our finest.

In conclusion, ASILF gives its blessings and support to our brothers, the trio of Mazi Afam Osigwe,SAN, Mr Chuka Ikwuazom SAN and Mr Tobenna Erojikwe in their quest for the NBA presidency.

Executive ASILF

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