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Plateau Hands Over Seized Items To Correctional Service

tvcnews.tv 5 days ago
Plateau Hands Over Seized Items To Correctional Service

In line with the implementation of Executive Order 003 by the Governor of Plateau State, Caleb Mutfwang, some items seized from traders that violated the ban on illegal street trading in the state capital have been handed over to the Jos correctional center.

The state government, following the passing of the executive order 003, banned illegal trading in government reserve areas and issued a warning for traders engaging in such acts to desist, as anyone caught will face the full wrath of the law.

These items were seized from traders who dared the government and its taskforce by going about their business activities in areas prohibited for such purposes.

Stored at the premises of the Jos metropolitan development board, the commissioner for information and communication in the state told journalists the next plan of the government following the seizure.

The state government says With the enforcement of Executive Order 003, no stone will be left unturned in achieving the great Jos City master plan.

Residents are urged to be law abiding and support the cause for the good of all.

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