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10 DC Villains Who Should Switch Heroes

cbr.com 2024/9/21
Split image of Angle Man, Mongul, and Silver Banshee from DC Comics

As iconic as DC Comics superheroes like Batman and Superman are, they wouldn't be anywhere without their villains. After all, a guy who's faster than a speeding bullet and can leap tall buildings in a single bound isn't very interesting if nothing can challenge him. As such, the supervillain has become one of modern comics' most popular and important aspects. There are tons of supervillains that are just as popular as their heroic counterparts, like the Joker, Lex Luthor, and Cheetah. Many villains are perfectly paired with their heroes, creating interesting dynamics. Others, however, seem a bit mismatched.

The connection between a hero and a villain is important to making a rivalry work. This can take many different forms. Some heroes and villains have a personal connection, having known each other before coming into conflict. Others have a thematic connection, representing conflicting concepts or ideologies. Sometimes, connections only come after the hero and villain have faced off a few times. However, many DC villains don't have a great connection to their heroes. Shuffling them to other do-gooders could create more interesting stories.

10 Deathstroke Should Fight the Teen Titans More

Previous Foe

Better Match


Teen Titans

Split image of Batman: Hush, JLA, and Green Lantern: Rebirth from DC Comics
10 Most Rereadable DC Comics

While some fans wait patiently for each week's new comics, DC has a few classics like All-Star Superman and Infinite Crisis that can always entertain.

This may seem weird since Deathstroke got his start as a Titans villain, but he's due for a return to form. He's just been too omnipresent and has tons of great appearances already. He's faced off with Batman and Green Arrow a lot in recent years and even headlined a recent crossover event. However, Slade should go back to being a Titans' villain full-time.

Some writers seem to think a hardened killer like Slade shouldn't face off with kids, but that is what makes it so interesting. Slade's rivalry with the Titans and Nightwing was always irrational and pathetic. It is supposed to be ridiculous how much time and effort Slade puts into hunting down the teenagers he blames for ruining his life.

9 Angle Man is Just Outclassed

Angle Man holding the Angler full of energy from DC Comics

Previous Foe

Better Match

Wonder Woman

Anyone Else

Angle Man is a rarely discussed Wonder Woman villain, and for good reason. He's kind of lame. His special triangle allows him some limited control of reality, mostly related to changing an object's size or location. He's really no match for a demigoddess like Diana.

Angle Man should jump ship and find a hero more his speed. Batman could be a good fit, and Angle Man's unique powers would make for interesting mysteries that the Dark Knight could solve. He'd also fit in among Flash's Rogues. They all have a crazy gimmick or gadget that helps them against the Scarlet Speedster.

8 Silver Banshee and Black Canary Could Be a Perfect Match

Silver Banshee holding a finger to her lips

Previous Foe

Better Match


Black Canary

Silver Banshee is one of the less talked about Superman villains. She doesn't have the genius intellect of Lex Luthor or Brainiac and isn't the physical threat of Doomsday or Maxima. She's got supersonic screams, a great costume, and slightly enhanced physical strength. She isn't much of a threat to a Kryptonian, but there's another hero who would be a perfect fit.

Black Canary is one of DC's best heroines. She's got fighting prowess in spades, and her signature Canary Cry puts her above most normal humans. She and Silver Banshee could face off in a battle of sonic might. While heroes and villains don't have to be equals in terms of power, giving Black Canary more sound-based villains would be cool.

7 Maxie Zeus Should Want Wonder Woman's Head

Maxie Zeus smiling as he sits in his throne in DC Comics.

Previous Foe

Better Match


Wonder Woman

Maxie Zeus doesn't make any sense as a Batman villain. While the Caped Crusader has fought plenty of egomaniacs with delusions of grandeur, Maxie's specific claims put him in the realm of the fantastic. As his name suggests, Maxie believes himself to actually be a Greek god. Wonder Woman makes a perfect foil to this crime lord.

Wonder Woman is inherently tied to Greek Mythology, sometimes even to Zeus himself. Giving her an antagonist that blends her mythological heritage and her connection to the human world would be a thematic grand slam. Diana is everything that Maxie claims to be, so he should want her dead more than anything.

6 Mongul is an Extraterrestrial Menace

The Superman villain Mongul against a wall of flames in DC Comics

Previous Foe

Better Match


Green Lanterns

Mongul is one of Superman's more unique and less utilized foes. The giant yellow alien runs War World, a planet devoted to combat in every sense of the word. Sometimes, this means the entire thing is a weapon; other times, it is a staging ground for gladiatorial combat. However, Superman should not be Mongul's main foe.

While Superman does operate in space and even recently fought Mongul preemptively, his main concern is Earth. However, DC has an extraterrestrial peacekeeping force: the Green Lanterns. Mongul should be a rival to the Lantern Corps, representing the interstellar crime that they stop daily. Giving the Lanterns more space criminal villains would give their status as peacekeepers more weight. Plus, Hal Jordan and Mongul have a dark history that is rarely touched on.

5 Prometheus is Batman's Opposite

Previous Foe

Better Match

Green Arrow


Collage of Clayface, Two-Face and Bane from DC Comics, Mr. Freeze from Batman: TAS and Harley Quinn from The Suicide Squad
10 Best-Written Batman Villains, Ranked

Batman is one of the best-written DC characters, so it makes sense that his gallery is full of brilliantly crafted foes like The Joker and Two-Face.

Prometheus began as a Justice League villain when he nearly took down the whole league. Later, he began a pretty iconic rivalry with Green Arrow. He's mostly disappeared from comics since the New 52, but he deserves to return as a Batman villain.

While Batman has plenty of villains, Prometheus is his perfect rival. Prometheus's criminal parents were killed by police in a robbery gone wrong. He uses technology to augment his prodigious combat skills, and he's a tactical genius. He and Batman could be excellent foils for each other.

4 Toyman Could Create New Challenges for Shazam

Toyman Schlott adjusts his glasses in a DC Comics panel

Previous Foe

Better Match



Toyman never made much sense as a Superman villain. As impressive as his creations can be, they never do much to the Man of Steel. The two don't have a thematic connection either, making their rivalry much weaker. However, Shazam could make a much more interesting foe for the toy-obsessed tinkerer.

Shazam's whole shtick is being a normal child who transforms into an adult superhero. While his body changes, his mind stays the same. Toyman could be a great representation of Billy's younger side. Despite his evil, Toyman does make some awesome gizmos. Facing a hero who could actually appreciate the fun in his designs would make him a more interesting villain.

3 Amanda Waller Should Turn Her Attention Back to Corruption

Amanda Waller yells in DC's Suicide Squad vs Justice League

Previous Foe

Better Match

Pretty Much Everyone

Corrupt Politicians

Amanda Waller got her start in the original Suicide Squad comics, where she was the team's tough but fair government liaison. Since then, she's morphed into a downright evil, nearly megalomaniac force for personal gain and government regulation. Any fan of the original Amanda Waller would be disappointed by how far she's fallen.

Waller is headlining DC's Absolute Power event as one of the main antagonists who wants to remove superheroes. At her conception, Waller feared a different sort of power. She was much more concerned with corruption within the US government than Meta-human affairs. She cared about the Squad in her own way. Returning Waller to a well-intentioned, if morally gray, figure would be a great move for the DC universe.

2 Felix Faust Deserves a Magical Rival

Felix Faust DC Comics

Previous Foe

Better Match


Zatanna or Constantine


Split image shows The Atom, Firestorm and Jack Knight/Starman from DC Comics
Forgotten DC Characters That Deserve a Return

Several comics and runs from DC are considered retro and modern classics, but other titles, despite their quality, sadly went under the radar.

Felix Faust is one of the strongest magical villains in the DC universe. His schemes and machinations have often stopped the whole Justice League in their tracks, and he has also joined some notable supervillain teams. Despite this, Faust doesn't have a single notable rival, leading to him not getting many appearances.

There are, however, plenty of DC spellcasters who would be a good fit. Notably, Zatanna or Constantine would be a great rival to Faust. Neither have a lot of reoccurring supervillains. Zatanna's modern stage magician stylings would be a cool counterpart to Faust's old-school trappings. And Constantine's in-your-face personality would set the collected Faust on edge.

1 Ra's Al Ghul Should be a Global Threat

Previous Foe

Better Match


The Justice League

Split image of DC heroes like Tim Drake/Robin, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and John Constantine
10 DC Characters Who Keep Getting Younger

While reboots keep DC heroes like Superman and Batman young, characters like Hawkman and John Constantine have also been de-aged over the years.

Ra's Al Ghul is one of Batman's most powerful adversaries. Not only is the Demon's Head functionally immortal and a master combatant, but he also has throngs of lackeys at his beck and call. Ultimately, his abilities put him far beyond a single man, even a single Bat-man.

Ra's has been a global threat before. During the Tower of Babel storyline, Ra's used Batman's contingency plans to take down the Justice League. He also brought the Earth to its knees by damaging the language center in everyone's brains. Ra's should continue being a Justice League-level threat, as his resources and scope outpace any single hero.

The Justice League Pose Together on the Justice League of America 1 Cover
DC Comics
Created by
Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson
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