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The Trajectories Of An Enduring Nigerian

Independent 3 days ago

“HYPOCRISY is when a leader is exploiting, taxing, stealing and extorting the citizens, and impunitively asking the same victimised citizens to make sacri­fices, while he or she is excessively indulging in a lifestyle of opulence and luxuries.” — DSM

As usual, my last article titled: ‘No Longer A Nightmare But A Day Dream’, brought about serious venom from most APC’s sychophants and supporters. Of course, I knew that these enslaved species would leave the content and context of the article to vent their anger on me. I am no longer perturbed by these slaves’ rantings, and that was why one of them asked me to go and join politics. He went further to school me on how much I cherish tarnishing the image of the country with my ever volatile and organic piece every Saturday. Although, I must commend him for even confessing that he has developed a certain lev­el of curiosity every Saturday, just waiting to read my article.

I want to douse tension amongst my friends and foes alike. I think that most Nigerians are missing my views about the ugliness of our leaders scorecards. Secondly, we are all created with diverse attributes or purposes, and the worse scenario will be if we fail to understand and fulfill such Di­vine original purposes. Even in the scriptures, we have five fold minis­tries: Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists. That means that God Almighty under­stands the beauty of diversities. That’s to say that, not everyone is called to be an active politician. Some will be partisan or even pas­sive, but in our normal schedule of life, we are all politicians in our own right. There’s nowhere in all aspects of life that politics can be ruled out. In our families, homes, and communities, politics is always core if anyone wants to navigate through the thread of life. Animals equally play politics, and that’s why the leader of the den of lions or tiger must be the strongest and most respected. He’s strongest not only because of its strength of prowess to lead, but such a leader must be able to defend and protect its territory and family members. Strength here is the ability to provide and be empathetic when­ever a family member is either poached, killed or sick. So, politics is in all human beings DNA, and which we all play either impliedly or expressly. For the fact that some of us are not opportune to lead doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t crit­icise politicians’ nepotistic and un­patriotic policies. Or that we lack the necessary powers, capabilities, competence, characters, integrity and qualifications to excel if giv­en the opportunity. The raw truth is that, the 1999 constitution was enacted to favour criminals, and as such, disenfranchised honest leadership engagement.

The main reason why the 1999 election was hijacked by the crimi­nals was that, most prominent and honest Nigerians were not sure of the assurance of the military to hand over power to civilians. There was a serious problem of trust, and this was because of the cancellation of the most transpar­ent Presidential election tagged OPTION A4 that was held on 12 June 1993, but annulled on a mili­tary propaganda of irregularities. The first peaceful elections since the 1983 military coup that ended the country’s second republic, con­ducted by the military ruler, IBB. The unofficial and undeclared election result by NEC indicated a victory for MKO of the SDP, who defeated Bashir Tofa of the NRC.

The diehard criminals capi­talised on the unseriousness of most honest Nigerians to be part of the 1999 elections due to their perceptions that these same elec­tions will end up as the previous military organised elections that will still be cancelled. Sadly, their wrong permutation brought about the in-road of most of our present day criminals in power. This has created a dichotomy between hu­man beings and animals in human skins. To dislodge these criminals means that the instrument of pow­er (constitution) that brought them in must be treated as a pariah docu­ment. The sad reality is that, it’s the same criminals that will effect the change, and of course, we should understand that a document that favours a horde of criminals will never be a national anthem Blues festival that took 24 hours to nail.

The only succour left for us is to ask questions, although, in most cases, our shouts, agonies and questions have ended up in deaf ears, and oftentimes, trashed with repercussions against those who’ve asked the questions.

Politicians are active partici­pants in politics because of our mandate, and we must ask ques­tions whenever we feel that cer­tain elements of irresponsibility, impunity, recklessness, nepotistic governance system and corrup­tion are being celebrated. It’s our duty to advise, and where the ad­vice becomes a reality of hunting, we must be aggressive in passing our displeasures. That’s the beauty of democracy. There’s no outright winner or loser, as winners will try to justify why people should trust them, whereas, the losers will be finding the loopholes of none de­liverance of the winners election­eering campaign promises.

“Anarchy abounds in a society where there’s no checks and bal­ances.”- DSM.

The logic here may be scary to dubious politicians, but it is part of our statutory obligation to know how we are being ruled or governed. I don’t want to sound too monotonous, and I am not in any way removing the efficacy of praying for our leaders, but can we pray for our leaders who deliberately stole our mandate? We are all aware that most of our present leaders were not chosen by us, rather, they foisted themselves on us as leaders.

The main problem that we are facing right now is because, most of our leaders understand that we never liked or voted for them, so they owe us nothing in return. They got to their positions through the slang of, ‘money for hand… back for ground.’ They paid for our votes, supports and loyalty, and hence, they perceived that we have earned our democracy div­idend upfront. Do you think that our leaders cared about our pov­erty, insecurity and hunger? They don’t my dear brother and sister. To them, most vulnerable and greedy Nigerians have been bought and oftentimes, earned our own share of the national cake upfront. Or do you think that these politicians are Father Christmas, who will share gifts without expecting any returns? No, every one Naira spent by any politician is an investment. When you receive five thousand Naira, three cups of rice and a packet of Maggie cubes, you’re already enjoying the politician’s investment portfolio, and if he or she wins, Return On Investment (ROI) is compulsory.

The first year of any regime has always been an investment re­couping fund and margin of profit.

Are we not AWARE? We are all aware and we are all culprits to this aspect of upfront democracy divi­dend yield, and unfortunately, in 2027, history will still repeat itself. We will become like a pregnant woman, who, when in labour, can curse her husband, but immedi­ately the child is born, she’ll smile away all the sorrow, and even to­tally forget about her agonies. Al­though this analogy may sound very interesting in this case. Our 2027 elections new born babies will still be, five thousand Naira, three cups of rice and a packet of Maggie cubes. We will smile away our four years of sorrow, and as a people under a spell, we are back to another four years of miserable experience.

As usual, we began to rant about the years of stewardship scorecard, and the politicians will unleash their sychophants and supporters. These caged morons will become the politicians at­tacking dogs. Any display of bad governance systems will be seri­ously defended, and the victims are made to believe in a future without any hope.

Suddenly, there’s a hype of blame game policy, where the previ­ous government’s bad governance system becomes a new policy en­actment. We must endure awhile, and that endurance never ends.

We are still under the endur­ance spell rhetoric when motion has been put in place to spend N918 billions for the purchase of two presidential Jets.

As if we are all dumb, a presi­dential Yatch was purchased even without any financial appropria­tion to the tune of N5 billion, and our enduring elasticity is still flexible.

We are still on a one year en­durance anniversary while FGN spent N14 billion to renovate our President’s private home in Abuja and N4 billion on the one in Lagos. Should I add the N21 billion on VP’s new palatial house, N2.5 bil­lion for VP’s old residence (Aguda House), N3 billion for the one in La­gos. N10 billion just to build a car garage for NASS members that are less than 500 Nigerians. N500 bil­lion palliative that ended up being looted few months after implemen­tation by Humanitarian Ministry officials. The elephant project of Lagos – Calabar Super Highway contract that is being awarded at a time when most Nigerians are seriously battling with the scourge of poverty. A project that was more of a friendly reward handshake to Chagoury family at a colossal sum of N15 trillion.

Today, it’s our most revered re­ligious leaders that are champion­ing our endurance spell for an in­sensitive government, and they’ve asked us to keep praying for our criminals in leadership. A scenario of praying for even those leaders, who have held us captive. Yes, they’ve asked us to fast and pray for our leaders, even those known with certain characters deformi­ties, that we won’t wish our chil­dren to imbibe to. Just wondering how I should pray for a leader who steals the future of my children? Why is China progressing without much prayer points for their lead­ers? The day we are serious about our miserable situations, we will understand that what develops a country is not praying for corrupt infested leaders, but holding them accountable, and equally imbib­ing on the tenets of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Maybe at that time, we should understand that prayer without good intent or work doesn’t galvanise any sort of miracle.

Adam, Abraham, Jacob and even the Israelites emancipation didn’t hinge on fasting and prayers alone. It’s foremost, obeying God’s amazing commandments, right doing, visionary leadership in­sights and integrity. We have used religion to blanket our corrupt in­fested minds, and as such, evil has pervaded our consciousness. The reason being that, if we commit sin, just run into any mosque or church and confess. In the end, the trend continues. The day we real­ise that we are our own liberators, that day, a government thief will be shot at his family house or vil­lage square. That’s the trademark in China. Religion, tribal and po­litical affiliations are the worst enemies of the present Nigeria… And just like they say, when you plant evil, definitely, you will reap the benefits of evil. Nigeria is at a standstill, or probably debased, simply because, those who ought to speak out against government nepotistic policies are more in­clined to fellowship with the same corrupt infested leaders.

Please get me right, and I didn’t say that praying and fasting aren’t effective, but how far do you think that your prayer and fasting will affect the characters of most of our criminal minded politicians that are already clothed in all sorts of criminalities?

In all the miracles of Jesus Christ, two things are common: 1. Very short prayer to the Father in Heaven and He’s straight to the point. 2. He asked the victim if he or she is consciously and willing to be delivered. Now, juxtapose the hours of Nigerians praying and fasting for their reprobate minded leaders, reflect on the minds of those being prayed for and how consciously they are willing to be delivered? Do you think that we are praying alright or we are only playing reli­gion? God Almighty is still Sover­eign, but my drift is that, we have used religion to hide all evidences of evilness in Nigeria, and God Al­mighty will never be mocked.

In conclusion, and before I am accused of blasphemous preach­ing, Nigeria is in a deep problem, and it’s very sad that those in charge of government policies are the same horde of criminals who are benefiting from the evidence of corruption, and except if God Almighty intervenes, or citizens wake up to take back their coun­try, enactment of laws for people of integrity won’t be effected in the near future, and hence I come in PEACE.

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