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Dear men if you want to live long and happy please stay away from this 5 types of women

newsmedia.ng 2 days ago

Dear Men, If You Want To Live Long, Don’t Marry These (4) Types Of Women…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Marriage is sweet and beautiful when you marry the right person. But getting married to the wrong person is a recipe for disaster ….

1. Exceptionally beautiful women.

“When a woman is excessively pretty, she will cause all manner of attraction, whenever she goes out there will be men flocking around her and wanting to take care of her need if she will just accept them.”

“This type of woman need money to take care of her skin so she can continue to glow but what if you can’t provide those things she needs, she will be tempted to flirt outside the marriage and before you know it, she is having a secret affairs with another man out there.”…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

2. Too curvy woman/woman with “lot of front and backside”.

This type of woman is called trouble caller because of her endowment, she will always cause distraction and attraction anytime she goes out of the house…..ContinueReading….

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