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Rare Academic Feat -Liberian Lady Earns 2 Degrees from 2 Universities at Once

analystliberiaonline.com 2 days ago

MONROVIA – Amid wide outcries regarding massive brain drain and academic deficit plaguing Liberia’s development and progress, particularly with women comparatively disadvantaged, a Liberian lady has proven extraordinarily outstanding, breaking the glass ceiling. As The Analyst reports, Lois Nimley Wisner, in the space of weeks bagged two degrees – an MBA in Conflict Management and Negotiation as well as a Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice.

In a breathtaking display of academic prowess and sheer determination, a Liberian lady achieved the unthinkable: earning two distinct master’s degrees from two different universities this year.

This incredible journey began with Lois Nimley Wisner, formerly Loise Nimely Nyenpan, when she first graduated from the Saint Joseph University on May 16, 2024, where she received an MBA with an emphasis in Negotiation and Conflict Management.

Then in three weeks, on June 9, 2024, Lois was conferred upon a Master of Science in Criminal Justice focusing on Constitutional and Judicial Processes from the University of Arizona.

Lois’ dual graduations, pundits say, are a testament to her relentless pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

Her academic career is a diverse tapestry of achievements, showcasing her versatility and adaptability, one of her admirers said.

Before these recent feats, Mrs. Wisner had graduated from Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law in 2015 with a Master’s in Law (LLM), specializing in Criminal Corporate and White-Collar Crimes.

She also earned a certificate in Public Policy from the prestigious Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education, Harvard University, further highlighting her diverse academic background.

Born and raised in the humble neighborhood of New Kru Town, Liberia, Lois’ journey to the pinnacle of academic success is an inspiring narrative of resilience and determination, particularly to Liberian women.

She began her higher education journey at the Louis Arthur School of Law, University of Liberia, where she graduated in 2009. Her story is a powerful reminder that one’s background does not define one’s future but rather one’s determination and hard work.

Lois’s personal life is as fulfilling as her academic one. She is the proud mother of Francess Nyenpan.

Francess, following in her footsteps of academic excellence, graduated from Temple University with a Bachelor of Science in Health Professions in 2023, becoming the youngest graduate in her class.

Their success is a testament to the unwavering support they received from their family and community, underscoring the power of a supportive network in achieving one’s goals.

Lois’ story is not just a personal journey, but a source of inspiration and motivation for many. It highlights the limitless possibilities that come with perseverance and a relentless pursuit of one’s dreams. From New Kru Town to the hallowed halls of multiple prestigious universities, Lois has proven that with determination and hard work, even the most extraordinary goals are within reach. Her story inspires others to believe in their potential and strive for their dreams.

Lois Wisner’s remarkable achievements emphasize the boundless potential within every Liberian woman.

Her story shows how determination and hard work can turn dreams into reality, inspiring future generations.

Lois Nimley Nyenpan, former wife of fallen Public Works Minister Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan, is now happily married to Alascal Yii Wisner and is now formally known as Lois Nimley Wisner.

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