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‘Humanized’ Tech a Key Ally for Retailers: Snoop Consulting

mexicobusiness.news 2 days ago
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Mariana Allende

Q: What were the main challenges retail clients faced over the past year, and what primary solutions have you provided to address these challenges?

A: Over the past year, our clients in the retail industry have faced challenges with the exponential growth of their digital channels during the pandemic. Initially, the focus was on expanding digital channels, but the emphasis has shifted to optimizing costs and enhancing customer loyalty. Retailers now have access to more detailed customer information than ever before. The challenge lies in effectively using this data to offer personalized customer experiences. We are working on technologies that humanize interfaces between the customer and the brand, making them more conversational. We are also using AI-based copilots to support internal teams, enhancing both customer interactions and operational efficiency.

Q: How does Snoop Consulting ensure that its digital products follow the company's "360 innovation" pillar and are user-focused?

A: Snoop Consulting considers multiple perspectives in its technological initiatives to ensure that products are user-focused. We analyze projects from a business, customer, and internal process perspective, treating technology as an ally while incorporating the company's culture, which is crucial to project success.

A significant part of the strategy involves handling and leveraging data effectively. Many companies have more data than they can manage, and Snoop Consulting helps them identify and use the right data to make informed decisions. The goal is to ensure that any data gathered serves a clear purpose and supports decision-making processes. Snoop Consulting leverages technologically advanced tools that allow the processing of a variety of data formats. Unlike earlier times when data needed to be standardized, modern technologies can handle diverse data types — from videos and images to web data accessed through APIs. This capability enables our tools to process vast amounts of varied data efficiently, ensuring that the technology supports comprehensive and adaptable innovation.

Q: How do Snoop Consulting‘s cloud and DevOps services enhance operational efficiency for clients?

A: Our cloud and DevOps services enhance operational efficiency by enabling scalable, reliable, and cost-effective solutions. We help clients migrate to the cloud, which offers flexibility and reduces the need for significant upfront investments in hardware. Our DevOps services streamline development and deployment processes, resulting in faster delivery of new features and improvements.

Q: What strategies does Snoop Consulting use to improve customer experience through digital transformation and data-led personalization?

A:  One key approach is unifying data from both digital and physical channels. Information from these channels is often siloed, but integrating it provides a comprehensive view of customer behavior and an easier path to personalization. Customers are initially grouped by affinity, identifying common preferences among segments. The next step involves tailoring experiences to individual customers and recognizing the unique needs and preferences of each person. This individualized approach can significantly improve the retail experience.

Snoop Consulting advocates for blending digital and physical experiences to provide a seamless and personalized customer journey. This involves recognizing customers across channels and creating consistent and engaging interactions both online and in-store. By cleaning and analyzing this data, businesses can better understand and connect with their customers.

Q: Why is it crucial for SMEs to adopt technology, and how does Snoop Consulting facilitate this process?

A: It is crucial for SMEs to adopt technology to remain competitive and agile in today’s fast-paced market. Technology enables SMEs to streamline operations, improve customer engagement, and scale their business efficiently. Snoop Consulting facilitates this process by providing tailored solutions that fit our client’s specific needs and budget. We also offer guidance and support to help them navigate the complexities of digital transformation to manage careful and structured change.

We start by assessing the state of the business and understanding the specific needs and challenges. We then develop a detailed roadmap for the transformation, which includes stakeholder engagement, training, and support. By involving the entire organization and addressing concerns proactively, we ensure a smooth transition.

Q: How does Snoop Consulting leverage analytics to drive business solutions?

A: We leverage advanced analytics to provide insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and operational efficiency. These insights help our clients make data-driven decisions, optimize their marketing strategies, and enhance the overall customer experience. By using predictive analytics, we can also help clients anticipate future trends and stay ahead of the competition. This includes personalized marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and optimizing the user experience on digital platforms. We also use AI and machine learning to provide personalized recommendations and improve customer engagement.

Q: How will shifts in technology affect the company and how will it leverage those changes?

A: Shifts in technology, such as the increasing use of AI, machine learning, and cloud services, will have a significant impact on the industry. Snoop Consulting is committed to staying at the forefront of these changes by continuously innovating and adapting our services. We will leverage these technological advances to provide even more efficient, scalable, and impactful solutions for our clients, ensuring they remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

By the end of the year, we hope to see our clients fully leveraging the benefits of digital transformation. We aim to have more SMEs adopting advanced technologies like AI and cloud computing to improve their operations and customer experiences. For Snoop Consulting, we hope to continue expanding our expertise and delivering innovative solutions that drive business success for our clients.

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