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Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Boredpanda 3 days ago

Not all parents are emotionally mature and ready to raise children. 36% of the current generation of adults say they experienced emotional abuse during childhood. Parents today are better educated about how certain behaviors can damage a child’s mental health in the long run. Yet, some parents still put their children through stressful situations.

Like the father in this story, who pressured his kid to go down a chute slide. One netizen recently shared a story where a dad pushed his son down a slide against his will. Unable to watch and do nothing, the author, who was an employee there, decided to give the dad a taste of his own medicine.

Going down a high slide can be scary when you’re six years old, and a parent pressuring you to do it only makes it worse

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Image credits: ellinnur (not the actual image)

This employee decided to send a bully dad flying down the slide for forcing his kid to act brave

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Image credits: Vika Glitter (not the actual image)

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Image credits: CoolingRiver

People were appalled at the dad’s behavior and cheered for the way the employee got revenge

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Many folks shared similar stories from their childhoods

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

Dad Bullies His Kid For Being Afraid Of A Slide, Goes Flying Down When An Employee Pushes Him Out Of Spite

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