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12 laws of the valley (3), by Enobong Etteh

The Eagle Online 2024/10/5

“… a [humble] lily of the valleys [that grows in deep and difficult places]. [2] But Solomon replied, Like the lily among thorns, so are you, my love, among the daughters.” – Song of Solomon 2:1-2 (AMPC).

The valley is not a death sentence but a training ground on rough terrain. A beautiful lily can still grow in the deep  and difficult landscape of the valley. 

The Amplified Bible Classic demonstrates that your beautiful lily can still spring up in the midsts of thorns. Alleliua! You can see the fourth man in the furnace of fire or devouring lions as companions in their den of death. Is your valley a revival valley, a refining valley or a funeral valley? I see you climbing up and out of your valley experience in Jesus name. Let’s now look at the last four Laws of the Valley.

LAW NO. 9:

Deliverance from the valley answers to the power of the mountain. The deeper the valley, the greater the power required to  convey you out to your high places.

LAW NO. 10:

Rejoice in the Lord when you are in the valley. Resist the temptation or pressure of continually sorrowing over the situation that brought you down the valley. Your strength is hidden in your joy. Your weakness is hidden in your sorrow. 

LAW NO. 11:

There is an escape route and a profit to make in the valley if you can be sober enough to hear God. Do not allow tears to blind your eyes from seeing your way of escape. The valley may turn out to be the meeting point with your destiny helpers.

LAW NO. 12:

Do not be presumptuous to ignore the lessons from the valley. You will need them to avoid a future occurrence. You will also need them to stay at the top. Many get so deeply embittered drawing a veil of offence and bitterness over their spiritual eyes, ears and heart.

I pray for you today that every veil of darkness covering you be destroyed. YOU CAN FIND A LILY IN THE VALLEY OF LIFE.

. Bishop Enobong Etteh is of Salem Int’l Christian Centre, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria and can be reached via [email protected].

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