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The Way Your Zodiac Sign Acts When A Relationship Gets Serious

yourtango.com 2024/10/5

Which signs run from the thought of commitment, and which signs get comfortable quickly?

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Trendify, vtrdid from vtrdid's studio, Chermiti Mohamed from Pexels, Eu Aprendi Na Internet via Canva

There’s nothing more exciting than the start of a relationship. When a relationship begins, it’s easy to become lost in all the newness. 

Eventually, once a relationship starts to progress, the dynamic changes from being casual and laid-back to something more serious. For some, diving into a serious relationship can be exhilarating, while others may be scared by the idea of commitment. And looking to astrology might just give you a better idea of what to expect.

Here's how each zodiac acts when their relationship gets serious

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

how aries acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

When Aries is in a long-term commitment, they are passionate and romantic, but sometimes have the tendency to jump the gun too early. They become so eager to start something serious that they become impulsive and don't think before acting. Aries needs to take a few steps back, because if they push too hard, there's a chance they might scare their love interest away.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

how taurus acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Taurus is easily connected to the sense of touch. They enjoy delving into all the physical experiences of a relationship, which sometimes makes it hard for them to consider the other person's point of view. Because Taurus is so perceptible by affection, their partner may feel like they are being possessive at times. Taurus needs to learn to not be selfish, and to make time to understand their partner's needs.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

how gemini acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Serious relationships typically make Gemini hesitant to continue. They become easily bored with people, which makes it hard for them to commit to just one person. People consider Gemini the life of the party, which is why they are able to move on so quickly. Their ideal partner is fun and creative, but also secure and consistent. This combination is often difficult to find, so Gemini prefers a short fling over a long-term commitment.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

how cancer acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Out of all the other zodiac signs, Cancer is the most capable of deep love and romance, so beginning a new relationship may seem like rainbows and sunshine. But they have a need for security, which can make them a bit clingy and attached to their partner from the start. Cancer experiences emotions at a very intense level, which can cause them to be controlling and possessive towards their partner.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

how leo acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Leo is someone who tends to take things too seriously. They have this warm, uplifting personality, but they get themselves hurt easily by overthinking too much, affecting their romantic relationships negatively. Leo likes to be the dominant one in a relationship, but sometimes they become too aggressive and forget to consider their partner's feelings. Leo shouldn't let new relationships make them anxious, and should just be themselves.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

how virgo acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Virgo likes to believe that they can "fix" other people, which can sometimes be their motive for starting a new relationship. They are problem-solvers, which can cause them to become overly critical of other people. If Virgo wants their new relationship to remain serious, they must understand when it's necessary to provide insight to their partner, and when to take a step back.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

how libra acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

The idea of a long-term relationship is aesthetically pleasing to Libra. They like to believe that people are easily replaceable, and sometimes they use their relationship as a way to brag and show off. Libra has a tendency to lose themselves in relationships, which relates to their need for attention. But when a relationship becomes serious, they are gentle and peaceful, and display this behavior towards their partner.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

how scorpio acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

As much as Scorpio wants a loving and deep relationship, they find it hard to trust others. They are hesitant in new relationships, especially when they are becoming serious. They want to see the good in people, but are always picking up on others' distrustful ways. Scorpio has a black and white way of thinking, meaning everything is either perfect or horrible. If Scorpio wants to have a successful relationship, they need to learn to find some middle ground.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

how sagittarius acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

New relationships can take some getting used to for Sagittarius. They value their freedom and personal space, but are also curious and adventurous, meaning they still remain open to the idea of committing. Sagittarius tends to be a bit too honest sometimes, which can hurt their partner and lead them to believe Sagittarius is insensitive. So, if they decide to start something new, they should make sure they aren't so direct.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

how capricorn acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Capricorn is practical and hardworking, but, ironically, it's the dependent people who are so easily attracted to their independent attitude. They find it hard to be assertive when approached by someone who's clingy and opposite of them, and that's just because Capricorn hates disappointing people. They know what they want, but expressing their needs is difficult. So, when their relationship becomes serious, it's crucial that they can talk about their needs openly.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

how aquarius acts when their relationship gets serious
Ariú DSGN by debz, Зображення користувача Віталій Баріда via Canva

Aquarius is a deep thinker, and sometimes they get lost in their own thoughts. This makes others view them as emotionally detached and shy. But their deep need for security means they can go as far as tricking themselves into thinking they feel secure, when really they are just letting their mind drift. Aquarius is open to the idea of something serious, but they also enjoy their alone time and may run away from emotional expression to avoid feeling vulnerable.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

how pisces acts when their relationship gets serious

Pisces is a soulful and mystical individual. They easily connect to music and art, and people view them as wise and compassionate. Their imagination sometimes leaves them half present and half in the dreamworld, which makes the people close to them feel like Pisces isn't listening or is unreliable. A serious relationship isn't scary if their partner is a deep-thinker as well, but it's still important for Pisces to make their partner feel like they are connecting.

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