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Enanga Hands Over Office To His Successor ACP Rusoke

spyreports.co.ug 2024/10/4
Enanga Hands Over Office To His Successor ACP Rusoke

Former Police Spokesperson SCP Fred Enanga, has today 4th July 2024 officially handed over the role of Uganda Police Public Relations to his successor, ACP Rusoke Kituma, at Police Headquarters in Naguru.

The handover and takeover ceremony was presided over by SCP Anna Tusiime, the Deputy Director Human Resource Department.

Fred Enanga was elevated to the position of Deputy Director INTERPOL and International Relations of the Uganda Police Force fro the force spokesperson in the recent reshufles made by the new IGP Abbas Byakagaba.

Kituma Rusoke has been the Rwizi Regional Police Commander before promoted to the office of the Police Spokesperson.

Others transferred iclude  Kampala Metropolitan Police Commander Stephen Tanui has been transferred to the Directorate of Fire Prevention and Rescue Services as Deputy Director, with Richard Ecega appointed as his successor.

Additionally, Assistant Commissioner of Police Bob Kagarura has been appointed to lead the Organised Crime Special Investigations Division at CID headquarters, while Commissioner of Police Patrick Lawot transitions to Acting Deputy Director of Counter Terrorism Police from his previous role in the Tourism Police Unit.

Other changes include Mastura Kugonza's appointment as the new Commandant of Tourism Police and Commissioner of Police Sulaiman Kirungi's transfer from the Police's Welfare Department to the Marines Department as Commandant.

''Today, I come before you to bid farewell from the position of the Uganda Police Spokesperson, that I have held for the last 5 years. I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude, pride and humanity. I am leaving the position, as I came; grateful, excited and with a strong sense of national duty. As you are all aware, I am heading to the Directorate of Interpol and International Relations, as a Deputy Director. I must admit that the position of Police Spokesperson, was one of the greatest honors of my life. Above all, I would like to thank the Almighty God, for his protection and guidance, during my tenure.

 And to further express my debt of gratitude to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the Police Leadership, for the invaluable support, advice, great teamwork, confidence and trust that they placed in me. I have nothing but gratitude and look forward to your continuous guidance and support. To all the territorial commanders across all jurisdictions, I thank you for your unwavering commitment to protecting our communities and for upholding the values of integrity, professionalism and compassion. It was truly inspiring.

Your collective efforts and support towards the office of the PRO, continues to make a positive impact on the safety and well-being of our citizens. Thank you all for the constant updates on crime and safety''. Siad Enanga on 1st July 2024 as he leaves the office.

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