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Restoration Efforts at Altar Rock Preserve Reveals Island's Natural Beauty

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

Altar Rock Preserve, a beacon of natural beauty on the island, is currently undergoing restoration efforts by The Conservation Foundation. Bringing Back the Serengeti: Portions of the moors known as the Serengeti are being restored to revive environmentally sensitive sandplain grasslands. The project aims to enhance the biodiversity of the area and promote the growth of native plant species. June's Vibrancy: June brings a symphony of life to the island, with black cherry blossoms painting the landscape in dazzling white. However, the beauty is not without its challenges as Eastern tent caterpillars threaten the cherry blossoms. Wetland edges are adorned with blooming irises, while the air is filled with the melodious calls of various bird species. Altar Rock stands tall, overlooking the scrub oak and sandplain grassland of the middle moors, a true testament to the island's natural allure.

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