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Chinese horoscopes: how’s your luck in July 2024, Metal Goat month? Health, career, money and travel predictions for all 12 zodiac signs as the creative Goat enters the summer

scmp.com 2 days ago

Metal Horse Month: July 6 to August 5

The Chinese zodiac consists of 12 different animals. Photos: SCMP Graphics

The sixth month of the Chinese calendar is represented by the Metal Goat.

The Goat corresponds to the hours of the day between 1 to 3pm.

The Goat relates to family, teamwork and sensitivity.

This month is all about courage! In traditional Chinese culture, the Goat sign is lucky, warm-hearted, gentle, tender, well-mannered and creative. Goats can persevere through any difficulty. This is their most notable trait. Strong and resilient, their gentleness might be misleading as they have a high tolerance and will get where they need to be and achieve what they wish to achieve through sheer determination and motivation.

Those born under the Year of the Goat are known for their perseverance. Photo: Sam Tsang

The actual animals have mild personalities and are friendly to humans. Therefore, the Chinese treat the goat as an auspicious creature, which is why you often see an image of three goats at temples.

All Goats have their own personalities, preferring to show their independence by remaining on the edge of the group. Born with wonderful trusting natures, they can fall prey to others as they like to please and may be inspired by material gains, which may lend towards the potential to get over emotional at times. This results in difficulty separating emotion from reason, which at times this may lead to rash instincts. Being quiet observers, they will always consider all aspects of anything before deciding or taking any action. Goats are far from considered to be the risk takers of the zodiac.

How goatlike are you?

For those born in the Goat Year, the nature of the Goat is dreamy and compassionate, always willing to listen and see every angle of a situation before acting. They are sometimes too generous when dealing with human nature, and Goats can often be left disappointed by being too trusting, especially in business.

Those born during the Goat Month (July) may be super creative, having great vision. You think out of the box and when the stars align for you, it can result in unexpected and inspiring results.

Those born on a Goat Day are honest and prefer to work smarter rather than harder. You make good and lasting partners.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, pictured in February 2023, is born under the Year of the Goat. Photo: WPA/Getty Images/TNS

Those born in the Goat Hours (1 to 3pm) take their duties very seriously and attend to their responsibilities with a disciplined approach. They like order and structure, and can be too trusting.

Ideal career choices for Goats are those that involve working with others in a large organisation. Working alone can be destructive unless other factors of your birth chart indicate you have discipline to draw on when required.

Famous goats include George Harrison, Nicole Kidman, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Bruce Willis, Kurt Cobain, Michelangelo, Rupert Murdoch, Jim Morrison, Katherine Hepburn and Empress Cixi.

What does July hold for your astrological sign?

These generic forecasts carry different nuances depending on whether this animal rules your year, month, day or hour.

√ Lucky

∞ Neutral

X Not so lucky

The Goat is the astrological friend to the Horse, Rabbit and Pig. Challenges occur with those born in Ox years.

∞ Rat – beware of losing personal items

Rat years are 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008

Be prepared to be easily distracted, which may lead to loss of personal items especially when travelling, and especially towards any northern directions. You will be disciplined when it comes to performing daily tasks, which, although may lead to fatigue, you will be lucky enough to have support from loved ones.

X Ox – astrological clash month

Ox years are 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009

The astrological clash month of 2024 is a month to lie low and remain impartial when it comes to conflicting dialogue. Make sure you get plenty of rest as fatigue and exhaustion is indicated, which may lead to slow progress and in some cases, delays which could be costly. Communication will be key to overcoming any challenging situations, so be willing to speak up to clear the air rather than harbouring negative thoughts.

√ Tiger – harmony and luck

Tiger years are 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010

Harmony and love luck appear strong, so if it’s love you are looking for, you may just connect with someone rather special especially when travelling this month. Dress well to attract someone of your own vibration and or attend more social activities to widen your network, and to mix with those you have most in common.

√ Rabbit – accept success humbly

Rabbit years are 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011

You are destined to gain recognition and support for your past efforts. You may be feeling creative and innovative, which inspires new ideas that boost your business and or personal potential. As your attraction luck is strong, do be aware to accept such success with humility, to prevent any jealousy or negative comments directed towards you. If you can adopt a kind and gentle approach within the family or a personal relationship, your luck will be maintained for a longer period.

∞ Dragon – be mindful of your health

Dragon years are 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012

You need to be more careful and alert as you are more prone to accidents or injuries caused by sharp metal items. Follow safety instructions when using any new appliances. Health should be your priority, and should you feel any discomfort, it would be wise to seek medical attention sooner rather than later, especially if you suffer from asthma or palpitations of any kind. Keep your bank balance in check by avoiding being over generous, even if someone asks for a small loan. You may give it as a gift, but don’t expect it to be returned willingly.

√ Snake – your wealth will flourish

Snake years are 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013

You may look forward to a month of flourishing wealth luck and wealth-generating opportunities. Investments may offer good yields, and new investments are headed your way. Be decisive, but know when to stop to prevent greed taking over. This is a month of celebrations, so you may expect some good news headed your way.

√ Horse – a great month to network

Horse years are 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014

Blessed by lucky stars, you will receive rewards and recognition for both past and current efforts. This may come in the form of a promotion or raise. This is a great month to network and get better acquainted with professionals from a variety of fields, which could be beneficial in opening doors for your future, so make every effort to get out there and to be seen. In terms of personal relationships, avoid making any complicated situations more so, or causing friction.

X Goat – it’s your astrological month

Goat (or sheep) years are 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015

Your astrological month, so take care in terms of your health and overall well-being, to prevent dark clouds of emotions making you feel helpless and depressed. You may choose to improve your mood by getting out and about playing your kind of sport, or interacting with those who can understand your situation. Remember kindness begets kindness this month, so start with the self. Avoid making any major changes in your home or office environment.

X Monkey – don’t be desperate

Monkey years are 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016

Remain calm when facing challenges or interacting with those who just don’t seem reasonable. At the same time, avoid overreacting so not to offend others or point the finger. Be careful of anything that appears too good to be true, as you are prone to taking desperate measures to create a better and instant cash flow. This could result in falling into traps that lead you further down any rabbit holes. Pay attention to health: remember prevention is better than cure.

X Rooster – maintain the right distance

Rooster years are 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017

Be careful of attracting the wrong kind of attention when travelling with those of the opposite gender, maintaining an appropriate distance at all times to prevent awkward situations. This will go a long way to prevent family disharmony and or negative situations. Focus on your tasks in hand, adopting a professional approach at all times.

∞ Dog – beware of investment remorse

Dog years are 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018

If you are planning a road trip, make sure your car is in good order, checking carefully on everything before leaving home to prevent expensive breakdowns or accidents. A long-term investment plan may be beneficial for your long term wealth, but don’t be tempted to destabilise your portfolio this month to make a quick buck, otherwise in a few months you may be living with investment remorse.

√ Pig – a harmonious month

Pig years are 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019

A very harmonious month for both personal and professional relationships. Career luck appears strong and vibrant as you receive benefactor luck from influential individuals. You may even be approached to start a new business venture. If so, consider all aspects and be willing to take a leap of faith, and friends and loved ones will be on hand to offer advice and support to help you turn your dreams into reality. Good luck!

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