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Vatican blocks ordination of traditionalist seminarians

cathnews.co.nz 2 days ago
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The Vatican is reportedly preventing the ordination of seminarians due to uncertainties about their ability to celebrate the pre-conciliar liturgy after ordination.

Five seminarians from the Missionaries of Divine Charity have been awaiting ordination as deacons for over a year. One seminarian is reported to have been waiting for more than two years.

The Missionaries of Divine Charity, based in the French diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, have faced a temporary suspension of all ordinations.

Superior General Jean-Raphaël Dubrule clarified that the delay is not linked to the overall situation in the diocese but to the seminarians’ adherence to the 1962 liturgical books.

The issue emerged after discussions with Vatican authorities revealed concerns about the ability of these seminarians to celebrate the liturgy as it was prior to the Second Vatican Council.

“The Roman authorities have no certainty about this possibility, and so it could be that candidates are ordained without subsequently being allowed to celebrate according to the old rite. They would then no longer be able to exercise their ministry within the framework of the congregation and in accordance with the statutes” Dubrules’ statement reads.

Founded in 2005, the “Société des missionnaires de la miséricorde divine” have 22 members, including seven priests, one deacon, two brothers, and twelve seminarians. Their charisms focus on mercy, celebrating the pre-conciliar Mass, and missionary work, especially among Muslims. The community operates under diocesan law and is overseen by the diocesan bishop.

Further restrictions rumoured

The motu proprio Traditionis custodes (2021) requires newly ordained priests wishing to celebrate the 1962 Missale Romanum to seek formal permission from their diocesan bishop, who must consult the Vatican.

This regulation has heightened concerns among traditionalist circles about further restrictions from Rome.

The rumours were fuelled after the Pope received Gilles Wach, the prior of the “Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest,” in an audience on Monday. The international institute celebrates the liturgy in its pre-conciliar form.

While the Vatican hasn’t commented on the meeting, the Institute stated on its website that “the Pope insisted that we continue to serve the Church according to our own proper charism, in the spirit of unity and communion which the harmony and balance of the Salesian spirituality allow”.

While some communities, such as the Fraternity of St Peter, have received papal decrees allowing the use of the pre-conciliar liturgy for all sacraments, similar permissions have not been extended to other groups.


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