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Doctors Must Set Boundaries: Work-Life Balance Be Balanced to Prevent Stress

medindia.net 2 days ago
Doctors Must Set Boundaries: Work-Life Balance Be Balanced to Prevent Stress

Medical professionals, specifically doctors, play an important role in delivering good quality patient care. However, they are frequently confronted with significant job pressures and extended duty hours, resulting in burnout and physical and emotional exhaustion. Therefore, the health experts emphasized the importance of establishing clear boundaries to ensure a healthy work-life balance. This was highlighted on Monday, National Doctors Day, which is observed on July 1 each year to recognize the contributions of doctors and address pertinent issues related to their profession (1

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Work-Life Balance, Burnout, and Physician Wellness


Dr. Meenakshi Jain, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, told IANS, “In many professions including the medical profession, it is easier for the work pressure to crawl in the personal time leading to easy and early burnout. Doctors should understand this and try to set clear boundaries between work life and personal hours,”.

Multiple Stressors Associated With Physician Burnout

Multiple Stressors Associated With Physician Burnout
Hospitals should listen to the frontline for insights about work environments that support clinician integrity and promote better outcomes for patients.

‘High rates of burnout among physicians are leading to increased levels of depression, substance abuse, and suicide. Approximately, 400 physicians in the United States take their own lives each year! #Physicians #burnout #medindia’

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Jain emphasized the importance of doctors taking breaks and improving communication with team members to enhance work efficiency and reduce stress, considering the demanding work hours, high cognitive performance required, and frequently changing schedules. Establishing healthy boundaries is crucial.

Dr. Tushar Tayal, Lead Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, told IANS, “As doctors, we are so preoccupied with patients' health that we tend to often neglect ourselves. Long and erratic work schedules and the enormity of taking responsibility for the lives of others are taxing. We should prioritise our health first,”.

The specialists emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, stating that a consistent and adequate sleep schedule is crucial (2

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Physician burnout can affect your health

How Can Peer-Support Groups Help Improve Healthcare Workers' Burnout?

How Can Peer-Support Groups Help Improve Healthcare Workers' Burnout?
Peer support among emergency care physicians was found to show promising signs of improvement in distress, anxiety, depression, and burnout symptoms.

It is recommended by experts to adhere to a consistent routine, refrain from missing meals, engage in physical activity such as brisk walking for 30 minutes each day, and cultivate hobbies to promote both physical and mental well-being.

In addition, Dr. Meenakshi also highlighted the significance of doctors' emotional well-being.

Job Problems More Likely to Increase Physician Suicide

Job Problems More Likely to Increase Physician Suicide
Suicide among doctors (physician suicide) due to job problems, poor physical and mental health, substance use, relationships and finances is becoming more common worldwide.

The experts said, “Medical professionals touch the lives of so many people and inadvertently burden themselves with negative memories. Emotional expression thus is essential to build resilience and maintain well-being,”.

In addition to practicing yoga and meditation, it is essential for the doctors to engage in effective communication with their team members, participate in a peer support group, and be willing to seek psychological services when needed.

Top Tips to Fight Family Burnout During COVID-19 Crisis Revealed

Top Tips to Fight Family Burnout During COVID-19 Crisis Revealed
As we move through the challenges of the COVID-19 outbreak, all parents need to be mindful of the risks and signs of family burnout. Health expert has revealed simple strategies to help prevent burnout.

Dr. Meenakshi further added, “Doctors often underestimate their symptoms and many times do not reach out for help during work pressure and other reasons. Getting regular physical and mental health checkups is essential for all medical professionals,”.

  1. Work-Life Balance, Burnout, and Physician Wellness - (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31261191/)
  2. Physician burnout can affect your health - (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/physician-burnout-can-affect-your-health-2018062214093)


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