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Customer-focused strategies

manilatimes.net 2 days ago
The Manila Times

CUSTOMER centricity, customer obsession, customer experience and customer service are four crucial elements in the business world, each playing a distinct role in how companies serve and interact with their customers. Understanding the differences between these concepts and how to effectively implement them can significantly impact a company's success and customer satisfaction.

Customer centricity is a business strategy that puts the customer at the heart of all company decisions and actions. It involves understanding and anticipating customer needs and aligning the company's products, services, and interactions accordingly. A customer-centric company prioritizes long-term customer relationships over short-term gains. This approach requires an organizational culture that values customer feedback and continuously seeks to improve based on that feedback.

For example, one of our projects at Hungry Workhorse was RCBC's Digital and Customer Centricity Culture Transformation (DC3T) initiative, which started in 2020 and was designed to educate business units on adopting, embracing and practicing a digital mindset alongside customer centricity. This entailed efforts to foster a digital-savvy, innovative and customer-focused organization by understanding the bank's customer personas and their journeys.

Customer obsession, on the other hand, takes customer centricity to a more intense level. It involves an unwavering focus on delivering exceptional value to customers, often going beyond their expectations. It is a mindset that permeates every aspect of the business, from product development to customer service. Companies that are customer-obsessed constantly seek ways to surprise and delight their customers, meeting needs and addressing latent desires.

An example of customer obsession is Ritz-Carlton, known for its exceptional customer service. Ritz-Carlton empowers its employees to make decisions that create memorable experiences for guests, such as personalizing stays based on previous visits or going out of their way to celebrate special occasions, thus creating a strong emotional connection with customers and fostering loyalty.

Customer experience (CX) encompasses every interaction a customer has with a company throughout their journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase support. It is the cumulative result of multiple touchpoints and channels, including online and offline interactions. A positive customer experience is characterized by ease, efficiency and satisfaction. Companies that excel in CX design seamless, integrated experiences that make customers' lives easier and more enjoyable. Apple, for instance, is renowned for its exceptional customer experience. The design and functionality of its products, the layout of its retail stores and the quality of its customer support all contribute to a cohesive and satisfying customer journey.

Customer service, while closely related to CX, specifically refers to the support and assistance provided to customers before, during and after purchasing products or services. Effective customer service is responsive, helpful and empathetic, ensuring customers feel valued and their issues are resolved efficiently.

As an example, RCBC topped the Commercial Banks category in the Philippine Daily Inquirer's Best Customer Service Survey, a testament to its accessibility (availability of customer help at the business/on the helpline), communication (friendliness, politeness in email/phone/face to face contact) and professional competence (quality of information received).

While these concepts are distinct, they are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Customer centricity lays the foundation by ensuring the customer is at the heart of business decisions. Customer obsession builds on this by fostering a deep commitment to exceeding customer expectations. A strong focus on customer experience operationalizes these principles by designing and delivering interactions that delight customers at every touchpoint. Effective customer service supports these efforts by providing the necessary assistance and support to ensure a positive overall experience.

Implementing these concepts requires a strategic and cultural shift within an organization. For customer centricity, it is essential to develop a deep understanding of customer needs through research, data analysis and direct feedback. Companies must align their products, services and processes with these insights. Leadership plays a crucial role in promoting a customer-centric culture by setting the tone and incentivizing behaviors that prioritize the customer.

Customer obsession demands a relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction. This involves empowering employees to make decisions that benefit the customer, even if it means deviating from standard protocols. Training programs that emphasize empathy and problem-solving can help instill a customer-obsessed mindset. Additionally, recognizing and rewarding employees who go above and beyond for customers reinforces the importance of this approach.

Enhancing customer experience requires a holistic view of the customer journey. Companies should map out all customer touchpoints and identify opportunities for improvement. Investing in technology, such as customer engagement platforms and AI-driven analytics, can help personalize interactions and anticipate customer needs. Consistency across channels is also critical; customers should have a seamless experience whether they are interacting with a company online, in-store or through customer support.

Effective customer service requires well-trained, empowered employees who can provide prompt, empathetic and knowledgeable assistance. Companies should invest in training programs that enhance employees' problem-solving skills and empathy. Additionally, leveraging technology, such as chatbots and self-service portals, can help provide efficient and accessible support to customers.

In the end, customer centricity, customer obsession, customer experience and customer service are essential components of a successful business strategy. By placing the customer at the center, relentlessly pursuing their satisfaction, designing seamless interactions, and providing exceptional support, companies can build strong, lasting relationships with their customers. These principles not only enhance customer loyalty and advocacy but also drive business growth and competitive advantage.

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