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2 men in court for allegedly stealing, receiving stolen N3m iPhones

freedomonline.com.ng 6 days ago

The defendants, Damilare Kehinde,32, unemployed, and Collins Okoro, 26, business man, reside at Igando and Akowonjo, in Lagos, respectively.

Both defendants are standing trial for stealing, obtaining by false pretence, conspiracy and receiving stolen property.

They, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges preferred against them.

The prosecutor, ASP Racheal Williams, told the court that the duo allegedly committed the offences on May 4, 2024, at Zenith Bank, Awolowo way, Ikeja.

Williams said that the first defendant ordered for two iPhones 15 promax valued at N3 million, from Mr Oluwasegun Odutayo.

The prosecutor said that a dispatch rider delivered the iPhones to the first defendant at the address he gave.

He said that after collecting the iPhones from the despatch riders, the defendant  told him he wanted to transfer the money from the bank and disappeared.

“From there, all efforts made to locate him failed,” she said.

Williams also said that the second defendant, who bought the iphones from the first defendant, was later tracked and apprehended.

According to the prosecutor, the offences contravened Sections 287, 314, 328 and 411 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

The Magistrate, Mr A. J Odueke, granted the defendants bail in the sum of N500,000 each with two sureties in like sum.

Odueke adjourned the case until June 28 for mention.

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