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Discover the Secret Name Airline Workers Use for Early Boarding Passengers

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

Airline workers have a sneaky nickname for passengers who queue up early to board the plane. Can you guess what it is? One of the biggest frustrations of air travel is the endless waiting in lines. From check-in to security to boarding, it can feel like all you do is stand in queues. But some passengers can't resist lining up the minute the gate opens. And airline employees have a special term for these eager beavers: gate lice. What is 'Gate Lice'? According to Urban Dictionary, gate lice are passengers, often inexperienced flyers in economy class, who crowd around the gate blocking the boarding area. This can cause delays and confusion, especially for passengers who require special assistance. So, why do people feel the need to queue up so early? Psychologist Dr. Audrey Tang suggests that it's about feeling in control and reducing stress. Knowing you're ready to board can help anxious travelers relax. The Psychology Behind Early Boarding Some people may queue up simply because everyone else is doing it. Psychologist Shira Gabriel explains that people look to others for cues on how to behave, leading to a domino effect of early boarding. So, next time you're tempted to line up before your boarding group is called, remember the term 'gate lice' and reconsider your decision. It may just save you some unnecessary queueing time in the long run.

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