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The world's most remote town that takes six days just to reach but is stunningly beautiful

Express UK 2 days ago

The quickest way of getting to the outcrop involves taking a six-day boat trip, of which there are less than 10 scheduled per year.

The quickest way of getting to the outcrop involves taking a six-day boat trip (Image: Getty)

With no phone signal, one pub and no crime, the world’s most isolated town, the only settlement for over 1,700 miles, can only be accessed via a six-day boat trip, of which there are less than 10 scheduled a year. 

As of October 2018, the main island has just 250 permanent inhabitants, who all carry British Overseas Territories citizenship. The other islands of the territory are inhibited, except for South African personnel at a weather station on Gough Island. 

Found in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, this town is on the volcanic island of Tristan da Cunha which measures just 38 square miles. The island is known as the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, lying 1,732 miles from Cape Town in South Africa, 1,514 miles from Saint Helena, 2,454 miles from Mar del Plata in Argentina and 2,487 miles from the Falkland Islands

Found in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean the island is the most remote inhabited archipelago (Image: Getty)

Tristan is generally mountainous, with the only flat area - on the north-west coast - being the location of the only settlement, Edinburgh of the Seven Seas and the agricultural area of Potato Patches. As a result of this, there is no space for a runway so the only way of travelling in and out of Tristan is by ship, a six-day trip from South Africa

The self-proclaimed “weird travel and history” specialist, Tiana said: “Everybody [on Tristan] is supposedly a descendant of an initial group of 15 people who moved here during the 1800s and early 1900s. She added that most people are either farmers, fishermen or government workers. 

The island is also home to a few doctors and one policeman, “even though allegedly nobody’s ever actually been arrested here anyway,” Tiana continued. 

“It's also the smallest place in the world where English is the native language although they do have their own unique dialect.”

A website for the island details some of the sites, including a post office, 'unique' golf course, two churches, and museum-cum-handicraft centre. There is one bar - the Albatross - located inside the Prince Philip Hall, and a cafe -  Café da Cunha - which has “varied menus displayed in advance,” when the Island Store has “sufficient stock for all visitors”. 

Northern rockhopper penguins are numerous in the archipelago (Image: Getty)

While there may be few humans on the island, there are, however, a metropolis of other species. Oceanwide Expeditions, an adventure cruise company which runs annual trips to Tristan, said the island has “earned the BirdLife International designation of an Important Bird Area,” with some of the standout species including the Tristan Wandering albatross, Antarctic Terns and Northern rockhopper penguins, according to the Daily Mail

Planning a trip involves jumping through many hoops. A page on the island’s website outlines the procedure.

“Your first task before planning a visit is to email the secretary to the administrator to outline the full purpose of your visit, proposed dates, your nationality and age, preferred shipping, and accommodation sought,” it says. 

“Potential visitors to Tristan should be aware that visits must be authorised in advance by the Island Council… Depending on the answers to these questions further information may be requested.”

Other requirements include health insurance to include cover in case of medical evacuation to Cape Town and “sufficient funds to cover [an] entire stay”. 

Accomodation is hard to come by, considering there are no hotels, “so you either have to rent a guest house or just stay with a local family,” Tiana pointed out. Accommodations start from just under £32 a night. 

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