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Meet Kathy Glimenakis: The Dedicated Founder of Montessori Schoolhouse

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

"Dedicated Founding Member: Kathy Glimenakis, a lifelong educator, has been an integral part of the Montessori Schoolhouse of Cheshire County for over three decades. From starting the school 35 years ago to nurturing it into what it is today, her commitment remains unwavering.

Promoting Healthy Living: Last year, the school received a grant from the Cornucopia Project to create vegetable gardens, offering fresh produce to students. Kathy's hands-on approach can be seen as she tends to the gardens, incorporating valuable lessons about healthy eating.

A Beacon of Education: With 27 years of teaching at the Montessori Schoolhouse, Kathy continues to inspire both students and fellow teachers. Her dedication is evident as she engages with campers, such as assisting in building a waterfall on the playground.

A Lasting Legacy: As one of the founding members, Kathy's impact on the Montessori Schoolhouse of Cheshire County is immeasurable. Her passion for education and unwavering dedication to the school's growth make her a beloved figure amongst the community.

Summer Camp Enthusiast: Even after 35 years, Kathy remains actively involved in the school's summer camp, shaping young minds and creating memorable experiences for campers. Her presence is not only felt within the classrooms but also out in the vegetable gardens, where she imparts valuable knowledge about sustainable living.

Embracing the Future: As Kathy waves to the summer campers from the schoolhouse window, her vision for the future of education is evident. Through her tireless efforts and genuine love for teaching, she continues to be a driving force behind the success of the Montessori Schoolhouse of Cheshire County."

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