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Lagos Airport: Airlines Staff Connive With Touts, Sell One-Way Ticket At N250,000

Independent 2 days ago

LAGOS – Ticket racketeering is currently gaining traction at most Nigerian airports, especially at the Murta­la Muhammed Airport (MMA), Lagos, where a one-way ticket out of the airport has skyrocketed to N250,000.

Many unsuspecting and des­perate passengers are swindled by most of the airlines staff in connivance with airport touts to intentionally hoard air tickets and sell such to highest bidding travelers at the terminal in the last moments of departing flight.

Also, investigation by Daily Independent revealed that rather for these touts to allow air trav­elers pay across the counters, using the airlines Point of Sales or only have one or three seats available 48 hours before depar­ture, which prompted desperate travelling passengers to patronise touts at the airports.

At MMA2 on Saturday, Daily Independent observed that touts within the terminal approached unsuspecting passengers for the procurement of air tickets.

It was observed that a one-way ticket from Lagos to Abuja for passengers travelling the same day, cost between N220,000 and N250,000, depending on who ac­costed you and your bargaining power.

It was observed that the touts working closely with some of the airlines staff would get a code for payment, using a private PoS ma­chine for a willing passenger.

Also, some of the passengers who bought Aero Contractors and Arik Air tickets at the exorbitant rates for flight on Saturday, could still not travel as planned as the two airlines canceled their eve­ning flights to Abuja.

Some of them were re-sched­uled for Sunday morning by the two airlines.

One of the affected passengers who gave her name as Mrs. Taiwo Abdulkadir, in an interview with Daily Independent at the GAT, lamented that touting activities in collusion with some airline staff was on the increase.

According to Abdulkadir, who was unable to secure ticket through the portal of one of the major airlines, had come to the airport to buy a one-way ticket to Abuja, but was introduced to one of the touts by an unnamed airline staff.

She explained that the tout had offered to sell the ticket to her at N250,000, but not with the air­line’s PoS machine, but a private machine without traceable name.

She expressed surprise how the touts were able to gain en­trance into the departure termi­nal of the airport, warning that if not quickly nipped in the bud, standards would continue to drop in the industry.

She said: “Touts in connivance with airline staff are defrauding passengers and selling tickets at N250,000. The touts are at the two domestic terminals of Lagos, in­cluding MMA2.

“The touts buy tickets online, hold on to reservations and sell at ex­orbitant prices to desperate passen­gers. The question is how did they get access to the terminals without the consent of the airlines staff?

“Some of the passengers even bought the tickets at N250,000, yet the airlines canceled their flights and the passengers were unable to fly. Aero Contractors, Arik Air all canceled Saturday flights and rescheduled them till Sunday.

“MMA2 being a private ter­minal, also has touts and this is disheartening. The touts are ev­erywhere in the terminal building. The airlines staff give the touts some booking codes. Everything is bastardised at the airport.”

Also, the touts are not using the Point of Sales (PoS) machines of the airlines, rather, they will bring a private PoS machine for passen­gers to pay in.

Another passenger said on Sunday that the two major termi­nals at Lagos, GAT and MMA2, are now full of chaos due to touting activities.

A traveler, Adekunle Aregbeso­la, also told Daily Independent that he was unable to buy a ticket for his Monday flight out of Lagos to Abuja, a situation, which prompt­ed him to drive to GAT for counter purchase.

Aregbesola alleged that one of the airline’s staff directed him to a young man within the terminal after telling him about inadequate seat.

Surprisingly, he said he was able to buy a ticket at N245,000 to Abuja for Monday flight.

He, like Mrs. Abdulkadir, sus­pected foul play and called on the respective authorities to put this in check before the current ticket racketeering rocking the railways creeps into the aviation sector.

FAAN had in late June 2024, announced the setting up of a joint task force to address the in­creasing spate of touts and touting activities at the nation’s airports.

The joint task force comprised Aviation Security (AVSEC) per­sonnel, a department in FAAN and Air Force.

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