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Mohbad's Mysterious Death: Family Granted Permission for Further Investigation

reportminds.com 2 days ago

Nigerian Singer Mohbad's Family Granted Permission for Second Autopsy

The family of late Nigerian singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad, has been granted permission by a Nigerian court to conduct a second autopsy. This development comes after the family expressed their dissatisfaction with the initial autopsy results, which were deemed inconclusive.

Mohbad, a talented artist and rising star in the Nigerian music industry, tragically passed away on September 12, 2023, at the age of 27. His death sent shockwaves through the music industry and left his fans and colleagues in mourning.

The magistrate court in Ikorodu has granted permission for a second autopsy to be conducted on the late singer, Mohbad. This decision was made during a hearing on Wednesday, June 26, and marks a significant development in the investigation into Mohbad's death.

The family and legal representatives of Mohbad have confirmed receipt of the court's authorization to proceed with the additional autopsy. This step is crucial in their quest for answers and closure regarding the circumstances surrounding Mohbad's untimely passing.

The initial autopsy results had left many questions unanswered, prompting the family to pursue further investigation. The second autopsy is expected to provide more definitive answers and help shed light on the events leading up to Mohbad's tragic death.

This legal breakthrough is a relief to Mohbad's loved ones and fans, who have been eagerly awaiting updates on the case. The family's determination to uncover the truth is a testament to their unwavering dedication to Mohbad's memory and legacy. As the second autopsy proceeds, the music industry and fans alike await the outcome with great interest.

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