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Marudi Bridge to be completed ahead of schedule by end of 2024

dayakdaily.com 5 days ago
Aidel (left) inspecting the Marudi Bridge on Tuesday.

MARUDI, July 2: The long-anticipated Marudi Bridge is set to be completed ahead of schedule by the end of the year instead of the projected completion date of June 2025.

Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Port Development, Datuk Ir Aidel Lariwoo, announced that the bridge, which is currently 10 per cent ahead of schedule, will have its final connection in the middle completed this August.

This marks a pivotal moment in the construction timeline, with the entire project expected to be finished by the end of 2024.

Originally slated for completion in June 2025, the Marudi Bridge project has made remarkable progress under the stewardship of Pekerjaan Piasau Konkerit (PPK) Sdn Bhd, the rescue contractor appointed after the termination of the previous contractor.

The initial contract, which began in 2010 and was supposed to conclude by January 2022, faced multiple delays due to issues such as the Covid-19 pandemic, rising diesel prices, and supply chain disruptions for building materials.

During a site visit on Tuesday, Aidel commended the State government’s decision to re-tender the project and appoint PPK Sdn Bhd.

“The right decision by the state government to appoint a rescue contractor for one of the previously ‘sick’ projects has proven fruitful,” he said.

“All rescue projects that were stalled before, when replaced with new contractors, are now showing good performance and leading the way.”

The Marudi Bridge, once completed, will serve as a critical link connecting Miri to Marudi, enhancing transportation and accessibility for the local community.

The project, estimated to cost RM116.5 million, involves constructing a two-lane bridge that is expected to open at least by Christmas this year, in line with the State government’s target.

Aidel also highlighted the success of other rescue projects and emphasised the government’s commitment to completing the Marudi Bridge. — DayakDaily

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