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In Pézenas, Midi Libre rewards its information sentinels

bobrtimes.com 4 days ago

Ils sont venus des quatre coins de l’Hérault pour rencontrer les journalistes de la rédaction. Mickael Esdourrubailh

La rédaction avait réuni ses correspondants héraultais à Pézenas afin de les remercier pour leur engagement au quotidien.

Due to its central location in the heart of Hérault, the historic city of Pézenas was ideal for bringing together all the correspondents of this department, which extends from the high cantons to the sea. This position convinced Midi Libre to meet them this Friday, June 28 in the evening, at the Maison du Peuple. Indeed, while it was customary for the newspaper to invite them to share a festive moment at the company's headquarters for its traditional correspondents' party, it was decided this year that the editorial staff would travel to even on the ground!

A formidable territorial network

All participants were welcomed by Estelle Devic, deputy editor-in-chief of the editorial team, who thanked them warmly for their presence: "I am delighted to be with you ! You are indeed essential, because in direct contact with our readers and ready to convey their feelings and expectations to us. regional information, it is above all thanks to a formidable network of men and women committed to covering the news in their territory. This is why several of them were rewarded (see below) for their initiative, their responsiveness or their sense of photography!

Caricatures of Man

Several raffle draws also interspersed the evening and allowed the lucky ones to win a tasty portrait signed Man, the famous newspaper cartoonist present that evening. The famous magician Belfiore, renowned for his mysterious magic tricks, was also there to liven up the evening. Journalist Édith Lefranc, from the Villages and Proximity department, took advantage of the awards ceremony to encourage correspondents to explore new avenues: "Don’do not hesitate to step outside the framework of the’ diary to offer us some nice initiative articles. We are obviously here to inform but also to create links in the villages!"

80 years of the newspaper

Before enjoying a generous cocktail accompanied by friendly musical notes from guitarist Jean-Baptiste Sobas, Estelle Devic thanked the correspondents present one last time and recalled the upcoming deadlines: "The 80 Years of Liberation are fast approaching. This will be an opportunity for each of you to tell the story of your town during this troubled time. As you know, this anniversary coincides with that of the creation of Midi Libre."

In Pézenas, Midi Libre rewards its information sentinels

The evening was hosted by Jean-Baptiste Sobas. Mickael Esdourrubailh

Initiative price

It was journalist Christine Didier who had the honor of presenting the first prize of the evening to Sussargues correspondent Jean-Luc Delas. He has indeed produced a very beautiful article dedicated to Aurore Montiel. The young woman managed to overcome the despair caused by the very serious illness of her daughter, fortunately subsequently saved, by creating splendid works of art carved in wood, called the "ironwood souls& ;quot;. A way for her to release her pain and express her artistic talent.

In Pézenas, Midi Libre rewards its information sentinels

Jean-Luc Delas was rewarded as part of the initiative prize. Mickael Esdourrubailh

Photo price

The Palavas-les-Flots correspondent received the photo prize from Edith Lefranc, deputy head of the Villages and Proximity department. Lara Montigny has indeed captured photos of "flying fish", or rather magnificent balloons made of paragliding canvas, carried by the wind. These were deployed on the left bank of the seafront to create a truly magical atmosphere on a cold January evening. Magic!

In Pézenas, Midi Libre rewards its information sentinels

Lara Montigny received the photography prize. Mickael Esdourrubailh

Alert price

Deputy editor-in-chief Estelle Devic awarded the alert prize to the Clermont-l’Hérault correspondent. He was rewarded for his responsiveness on the occasion of a tragic news item which took place in the town. A madman took refuge in a bank before being shot dead by the gendarmes. As soon as he learned of this terrible incident, Jean-Albert Polge notified the editorial staff of Midi Libre so that they could cover the event as quickly as possible.

In Pézenas, Midi Libre rewards its information sentinels

Jean-Albert Polge was rewarded as part of the alert prize. Mickael Esdourrubailh

Discovery Prize

Béziers agency head Mélissa Alcoléa awarded the discovery prize to Caux correspondent Maud Chayer. She has indeed produced a beautiful portrait of the singer and musician Anaïs Dubeau, who released her first album this year entitled La Traversée. In his songs, the artist mixes several styles since there is jazz, French and Latin music. A beautiful artistic story which has its place in the columns of Midi Libre, which brings culture to life in our region!

In Pézenas, Midi Libre rewards its information sentinels

Maud Chayer received the discovery prize. Mickael Esdourrubailh

Environmental price

Journalist at the Béziers agency, René Ferrando presented the environment prize to Portiragnes correspondent Murielle Guevel for her article on the permaculture garden at the Sablons campsite. A vegetable garden with a dual purpose, since it supplies the campsite restaurant and also helps raise public awareness of this type of culture. A report which highlights the work of Midi Libre correspondents to promote initiatives – numerous in our region – aimed at protecting the environment.

In Pézenas, Midi Libre rewards its information sentinels

Murielle Guevel was awarded the environment prize. Mickael Esdourrubailh

Availability price

This is a brand new prize awarded by Christine Didier to Frontignan correspondent Nolwenn Latour.

Nolwenn Latour received the availability prize. Mickael Esdourrubailh

This is the price of availability, an essential quality for a local correspondent. Nolwenn Latour, for example, demonstrated unfailing speed during the "Escale à Sète" festival where she produced several articles within a given time. Christine Didier also wanted to thank all the correspondents for this sometimes very demanding daily commitment to covering the news in their territory.

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