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Kabale: UPDF Deserter Sets Self on Fire to Death After 3rd Attempt

chimpreports.com 3 days ago

Police in Kabale District are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of a 38-year-old man in Buhara Sub County.

The deceased has been identified as Aggrey Turiamwesimira, a resident of Kihoko Cell, Muyebe Parish, Buhara Sub County, Kabale District.

According to a statement from the police, Aggrey Turiamwesimira was allegedly a deserter from the UPDF who had previously attempted to commit suicide by setting himself on fire twice. On each occasion, prompt intervention from people nearby prevented serious harm, and he received treatment and recovered.

Police sources indicate that the deceased had been residing at his parents’ house. On Sunday, June 30, 2024, he reportedly attended church in the morning for prayers and later went to his mother’s place, where he had lunch and supper.

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The incident leading to his death occurred late at night on Monday, around 12:20 AM, when Sarah, the wife of the deceased’s brother, heard a commotion and noticed a fire outside. Upon investigation, she discovered that Aggrey’s residence was ablaze. Despite efforts by neighbors and the local chairman to extinguish the fire and break into the house, they were unable to save Aggrey.

Elly Maate, the police spokesperson for the Kigezi region, stated that upon receiving information about the incident, the officer in charge of Buhara Police Station notified the district CID in Kabale. Maate said that Homicide detectives were dispatched to the scene where they found Aggrey’s body recovered from the burned house and subsequently placed in a coffin at the compound of the deceased’s parents.

Maate further added that the crime scene was thoroughly documented and photographed. Following procedures, the body was released to the relatives for a proper burial arrangement after initial investigations.

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