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Sudan Women's peace dialogue - 3-4th July 2024

AllAfrica 2024/10/5

We, the participants of the Sudan Women’s peace dialogue,,"convened in Kampala, from 3-4 July 2024,

COGNIZANT of our common objective of advancing  women’s inclusion and Participation in search of  peace and security  in Africa towards silencing the guns in Sudan;

APPLAUD the efforts of the High level Panel on Sudan leadership in the convening of this Sudan Women’s peace dialogue.

FURTHER APPLAUD the Special Envoy of the African Union Commission on Women, Peace, and Security, and other AU Departments/ Divisions/ Programmes such as the Gender, Peace and Security Programme (GPSP) and the FemWise Secretariat for their collective efforts towards ensuring that the voice of Sudanese women remains a priority in Search of Lasting Peace in Sudan ;

GUIDED BY the various normative instruments and decisions that advance the WPS Agenda in Africa, including the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000); Article 4(l), of the AU Constitutive Act, the Maputo Protocol on Women’s Rights (2003), the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (2004), the African Women’s Decade (2010-2020), Aspiration 6 of the Agenda 2063; and the AU Strategy for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment 2018-2028, amongst others;

FURTHER GUIDED BY the AU Continental Results Framework (CRF) for Monitoring and Reporting on the WPS Agenda;

APPLAUD the commitment by African leaders, and H.E Mr Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), towards advancing the WPS Agenda in Africa,  including establishing a Panel of the Wise, which has 50 percent gender parity, and  appointment of a High Level Panel on Sudan (HLP-Sudan,  with  30%  female representation  chaired by Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas and also including Dr. Specioza Wandira Kazibwe and Ambassador Francisco Madeira.

FURTHER COMMEND the AUC for investing in efforts to strengthen women’s participation in peace and security processes through its establishment of mechanisms such as the Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWise) and the African Women’s Leadership Network (AWLN); and putting in place the Swakopmund processes to enhance women’s participation and inclusion in peace and security processes.

COMMEND the efforts and resilience of Sudanese  women in  promoting peace and security  at local, sub-national and national levels, including undertaking advocacy missions ;

HOWEVER, NOTE WITH CONCERN the gendered impact of the ongoing conflict  in  Sudan, including rape, dire humanitarian situation and  hunger.

REMAIN GRAVELY CONCERNED with the ongoing  conflict  despite the  efforts, women remain grossly under- represented in the ongoing political and ;

Agree on the following:

-      Comprehensive inclusion in all aspects is necessary, acknowledging that it is a gradual and extensive process.

-      In addition to considering the experiences of neighboring countries, it is also important to reflect on experiences from within Sudan to enhance relevance.

-      Opening communication channels with conflicting parties is also essential.

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